Wednesday, February 1, 2017

UBCM EA Director Forum - Day 2/LGLA Leadership Forum - Day 1

Earlier today - the UBCM Electoral Area Director Forum held its' last day covering the following topics :

* UBCM Update from UBCM 1st VP Wendy Booth
* Rural Dividend Update
* Collaborative Approach to Solid Waste Management
* Fire Services Updates
* Practical Tools for Physician Recruitment and Retention

Then, in the afternoon, the 1st Day of the 2017 LGLA (Local Gov't Leadership Academy) Leadership Forum took place, after welcome comments from LGLA Board Vice-President (and Kamloops Councillor) Arjun Singh, Debra Sparrow from the Musqueam Indian Band, and Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie, the following took place:

* Keynote Address - "I'm Right and You're an Idiot", The Toxic State of Public Discourse and How to Clean it Up - James Hoggan
* Communication Styles for Constructive & Effective Communications – LGMA/LGLA Joint Workshop, Kent Highnam, Justice Institute of BC; Mayor Sharon Gaetz

* Speech from Opposition Spokesperson for Local Government, MLA Selina Robinson
* Reception

Tomorrow - Day 2 of the LGLA 2017 Leadership Forum will see the following topics discussed:

* 2017 Infrastructure Roadmap, Paul Taylor, UBCM Director of Communications
* Aboriginal Awareness & Communication, Robert Laboucane
* Bullying? Bad Behaviour? Business as Usual? Tracey Sorenson
* Speaking as a Leader: Part I, Travis Streb & John Voth, The Humphrey Group
* Understanding & Engaging Diversity, Robin Prest & Sebastian Merz, SFU Centre for Dialogue
* Difficult Conversations: Shift Happens, Carol Ann Fried, Friedom Training & Coaching
* Introduction to Graphic Recording: A Hands-on Skill-building Workshop, Sam Bradd
* Communications Coaching & Discussion Forum, LGLA Board Members Arjun Singh & Peter Urbanc

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