Friday, April 21, 2017

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Apr 24-28

Next week, the following local governments of the Cariboo-Chilcotin will be meeting:

Wells - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, April 25th, 2017 at 7pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue).  On the Agenda:

* Cheque Register
* Consent Calendar
* 2017 Tax Rates/Financial Plan Bylaws

View the full Agenda here

Quesnel - Meetings noted below - all on Tuesday, April 25th in Quesnel Council Chambers (4th Floor - 410 Kinchant St):

1) Policy/Bylaw Review Committee at 2pm

On the Agenda:

* Council Remuneration Policy
* Purchasing Policy
* City's Website - Council Biographies Questionnaire

View the full Agenda here

2) Financial Sustainability/Audit Committee at 5:30pm

* Presentation of 2016 Audited Financial Statements

View the full Agenda here

3) Regular Council Meeting at 7pm.  On the Agenda:

* City of Quesnel Retirement Presentation
* Delegation: KPMG Enterprise - City of Quesnel 2016 Financial Audit Report
* Committee Reports
* Selection of Off-Leash Dog Park Location
* Trademark of City Logo and Monogram
* Airports Capital Assistance Program for Airport Snow Plow
* Bylaw of the Month - Open Fire Ban and Campfires
* 2017 Tax Rates Bylaw - Final Adoption

View the full Agenda here

School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Regular Board of Education Meeting at Peter Skene Ogden Secondary in 100 Mile House.  Firstly - new SD27 Zone 3 Trustee Willow Macdonald will be sworn into office for the remainder of the 2014-18 Term, then the Board will recess to an In-Camera Meeting and then resume at 7pm

On the Agenda:

* Consent Calendar
* Policy Review -- School Planning Councils, Violence in the Workplace, Physical Restraint
* Approve both Retirement Dinner on June 22nd and Gavin Lake Bus Credit in the amount of $3,500
*  Reports from Sec-Treasurer/Acting Superintendent, Trustee Dyment (Apr 2017 meetings)
* Cataline Elementary School - Road Safety Review
* 2017-2018 Five Year Capital Plan Bylaw
* Board Self Review
* Committee Appointments - Review with now a full SD27 Board
* Consider reimbursement to Trustee W. Macdonald for her attendance at the BC School Trustee Association AGM, April 19-23, 2017 in Vancouver BC

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, April 25th at 6pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St).  On the Agenda:

* 2017-2021 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2263 (Financial Plan calls for no tax increase for Residential property owners while Business and Rec/Non Profit property owners will pay 2% more than last year)

* Remedial Action Order - 27 Seventh Avenue South (old Slumber Lodge)
* Development Permit Application - DP #02-2017 (For approval at 1125 Murray Drive - Glendale)
* DVP #01-2017 - Wave Properties Ltd. - Off-Street & Disabled Parking Reductions for New Restaurant - 281 & 299 Oliver Street
* Installation of No Parking Signage on Mart Street at Oliver Street
* BC Transit 2017/2018 Annual Agreements
* Zoning Amendment Application - Bylaw No. 2265; New Residential Care Facility - 185 Fourth Avenue North (old Cariboo Lodge site)

View the full Agenda here

Also - Public Hearings on Zoning Amendment Bylaws #2257, 2260 and 2262 will take place, starting at 7pm on Tuesday, April 25th, also in WL Council Chambers.  View more here

100 Mile House - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, Apri 25th at 7pm in 100 Mile House Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue).  On the Agenda:

* Bylaw Officer's Report – March 2017
* 2016 Audited Financial Statements
* LCLB Brewery Lounge Endorsement - Jacksons Social Club and Brew House
* Operating Agreement Renewals – CRD/District of 100 Mile House
* By-laws for Adoption: Fees and Charges Amendment By-Law 1309 and 2017 Financial Plan By-Law 1307
* By-laws for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Readings: 2017 Tax Rates By-Law 1308

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District:

Central Cariboo Joint Committee - Regular Meeting on Wednesday, April 26th at 5:30pm in the CRD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake).  On the Agenda:

* Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society - Report on the First Quarter of 2017
* Central Cariboo Recreation - Amendment to Fees and Charges Bylaw
* Sam Ketcham Pool Upgrade Project - Monthly Status Report for March 2017

View the full Agenda here

DON'T FORGET -- All Candidates Forum for Cariboo-Chilcotin Provincial MLA candidates on Thursday, April 27th from 11:30am - 1:30pm.  Tickets available from the Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce.  Ph: 250-392-5025.  Limited seating available

Also - the WL Indoor Rodeo starting tonight through Sunday.  More details here

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