Tuesday, April 25, 2017

SILGA 2017 Convention begins today!

The Southern Interior Local Government Association, or SILGA, begins its' 2017 Annual Convention/AGM later this afternoon at Sun Peaks with pre-meetings with the bulk of the Convention taking place from Wednesday, April 26th to Friday, April 28th.  Read the full Convention program here

The Association of Vancouver Island/Coastal Communities or AVICC held its' Annual Convention/AGM earlier in April with the remaining 3 Area Association within the Union of BC Municipalities' structure holding their Annual Conventions/AGM's to be held later this year as follows:

Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Gov'ts/AKBLG - April 26th - April 28th in Rossland
North Central Local Gov't Association/NCLGA - May 2nd - 5th in Terrace
Lower Mainland Local Gov't Association/LMLGA - May 10th - 12th in Harrison Hot Springs


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