Tuesday, May 23, 2017

CRD's Infrastructure/Broadband/Cell Committee meets today

The Cariboo Regional District's Infrastructure/Broadband/Cell Standing Committee whose membership consists of Area 'L' Director Brian Coakley as Chair and Directors Margo Wagner, Betty Anderson, Ted Armstrong and Dylan Cash (Areas H, K, A and I) will meet today at 9am in the CRD Committee Room (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake)

On the Committee's Meeting Agenda today:

1) Delegation: Falko Kadenbach, Vice-President of ABC Communications, will appear before the Committee to discuss the 100 Mile Rural and Williams Lake Rural Broadband Projects by ABC Communications

2) In-Camera Session: Section 90(1j - information prohibited from public disclosure as per BC FOIPPA Act) of the Community Charter

View the full Agenda here


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