Meeting called to order at 6pm
The Chair noted the absence of Mayor Cobb who is on his way back from a trip to China and noted as well that the meeting was taking place on traditional Shuswap territory
Meeting Agenda and Minutes of the WL Council Meeting held May 9 and 11, both adopted
1) The 2017-18 WL Stampede Queen contestants presented themselves to City Council, as follows:
• Brianna Wyness, Miss Tim Horton's
• Kaylee Billyboy, Miss Gustafson's Dodge
• Tennale Sailor, Miss Beaver Valley Feeds
1) Council received for information the computer cheque listing for May 11 and 18, 2017
2) Council approved the purchase of two (2) pickup trucks from Cariboo GM for the tendered price of $83,989, including applicable taxes
3) Council approved the 2017 Economic Development Workplan as presented by the City's Director of Development Services
4) Council received an application for a Development Permit #3-2017 (Platform Properties Ltd - #300-1185 Prosperity Way) and directed that the usual notifications take place and that DP #3-2017 be considered formally at the June 20th Council Meeting
5) Council authorized Mayor Cobb and the City's Corporate Officer to sign the Contract of Purchase and Sale agreement with Williams Lake Developments Ltd. for the Museum property located at 113 North 4th Avenue on behalf of the City
6) Council approved the Into-Plane Aviation Mobile Fuel Agreement with the Province for a term of six (6) months effective May 1, 2017 through October 31, 2017 and that the appropriate signatories (Mayor Cobb/Corporate Officer) be authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City.
7) Council received the Solid Waste Management Review completed by Stuart Lilley, that it become a matter of public record and a link to the report be placed on the City's website and finally that public discussion be encouraged regarding appropriate changes to the process of managing solid waste in the area
8) Council approved applications to the Strategic Priorities Fund as follows:
a) Soda Creek Resource Road Upgrade, with a 25% contribution from the City in the amount of $315,500
b) Hodgson Road Geotechnical Mitigation Assessment of Options, noting ongoing annual City contributions to monitoring and geotechnical management
c) City Facility and Pavement Assessment, with a 20% contribution from the City in the amount of $25,000
9) Council approved the use of water reserve funds as required to support the estimated $636,000 water saddle replacement costs as part of the 2017 pavement rehabilitation program
10) Council authorized Staff to apply for a BC Healthy Communities’ Capacity Building Funds Plan H Stream One: Cultivating Connections grant towards the purchase, installment and program marketing of three (3) play boxes for City green spaces
11) Council approved the Winter Lights Medieval Christmas Market to take place from 5:00 PM on Friday, December 1st through 10:00 PM on Sunday, December 3rd
12) Council received a letter from the Quesnel Skyfest 2017 Society and requested the Royal Canadian Air Force CF-18 Demo Team and Canadian Forces Snowbirds to perform a flyover of Williams Lake, with permission given to fly below 1000 feet, on Thursday, August 3, 2017
13) Council supported a grant application to Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT), from the Cariboo-Chilcotin/Lillooet Account, from the Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Association, for funds toward the creation of a promotional video to attract businesses to the downtown, as well as new street banners for the downtown core
14) Council agreed to support Telus's proposal to the federal Innovation Science and Economic Development (ISED) Connect to Innovate program for funding towards the implementation of their Enhanced Broadband Connectivity program in the rural areas around Williams Lake
15) Council agreed to proclaim the following:
a) "ALS Awareness Week" - June 18 to 24, 2017
b) "French Immersion Week" - June 12 to 18, 2017
16) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as of May 23rd, 2017, as follows:
• April 18, 2017 - CN Rail re 2017 CN In Your Community Publication;
• May 12, 2017 - CRD Board Highlights;
• May 2017 - Tourism Industry Association of BC re Tourism Week
Members of Council provided oral reports on their recent activities
7pm Public Hearing on Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2265. Public Hearing adjourned at 7:02pm
Meeting resumed at 7:02pm
17) After a Public Hearing, Council agreed to give 3rd Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2265 (185 4th Avenue North - former Cariboo Lodge site) and referred the Bylaw to the Ministry of Transportation/Infrastructure for approval as per Section 52(3a) of the Transportation Act
Meeting adjourned at 7:03pm
Item 9 catches my eye and makes me wonder who will do this work? Hopefully city workers who have the skills and expertise will be utilized and not a contractor who will charge the taxpayers double the going rate for backhoe work that could be done in-house.