Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Quesnel Council Highlights - May 23rd mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:


Mclean Street Housing Complex
Council approved the Development Permit for the proposed 4 Storey, 38 Unit apartment complex for a vacant lot in the 300 Block of Mclean Street.  The Development Permit includes a reduced parking variance to 37 spaces based on research provided by the Proponent about parking needs at similar-type facilities.  Council also approved final adoption of the Official Community Plan and Master Zoning Bylaw amendments associated with this proposed development.

Shipping Containers
After two years of discussing policy around shipping containers, Council decided to move forward with policy to prohibit any further additions of shipping containers in residential areas of the City due to fire fighter safety, administrative costs and potential liability to the City.  Next steps include a draft bylaw for consideration/public consultation as well as a report that will require Council’s consideration on how to address existing shipping containers found in the City’s residential areas.

855 Rita Road
Council approved the Development Permit for construction of a 1,626 m2 (17,500 ft2) commercial building for two rental spaces at 855 Rita Road in the City’s South Quesnel Highway Commercial Development Permit area.  This development is currently proposed for expanded retail space for Mark’s and Dollarama.  Next steps include a report back to Council to look further at the Applicant’s requested sign variance for the exterior of the building that is asking for larger sign dimensions than what the City’s Sign bylaw currently allows.

Kinchant Street Parking Reconfiguration (200 Block)
City crews are currently rebuilding the City’s parking lot located at the 200 Block of Kinchant Street that includes: a new entrance/exit onto Kinchant Street, a new cross walk (mid-block) to accommodate the safety needs required in the area due to the busy Farmer’s Market held on Saturday’s, and a new reconfiguration of parking that changes the parking style from angle parking to parallel parking. 

Unsightly Properties
The City’s Bylaw-of-the-month program will strategically educate/enforce matters around unsightly properties that includes overgrown vegetation and accumulation of noxious weeds.  The Nuisance Bylaw recognizes each neighbourhood has its own yard standards.  Unsightly fines accelerate for repeat violations:  $75, $100 and $200.

Grant Applications

Dragon Creek
Council agreed to support, in principle, the Baker Creek Enhancement Society’s (BCES) grant application, and gave permission, subject to project feasibility and BCES securing funding, to restore Dragon Creek to a more natural state which will allow Chinook and Coho salmon rearing and overwintering habitat.  The Dragon Creek Daylighting project will be partially located in West Fraser Timber Park adding an interesting feature to one of the City’s showcase park spaces.  Further, Council agreed to cost share with the BCES for the $50,000 feasibility study of this project with Council agreeing to allocate $25,000 from Council Initiatives fund.  All capital costs for this proposed project would be covered by the BCES.

First Nations Cultural Centre
Council approved of City staff to submit a $10,000 grant application to the BC Rural Dividend Fund, Project Development Stream, to fund a business case for a cultural centre showcasing the history and culture of First Nations in the Quesnel area near the confluence of the Quesnel and Fraser Rivers.  This business case, if approved, will be 100% grant funded.

Asset Management System
Council approved of City staff to submit a $100,000 grant application to the federal Strategic Priorities Capacity Development Fund, to 100% fund works to update the City’s asset management information and processes system.

City’s Website

New Website
A sneak peek of the City’s new website was given to showcase the City’s new look and feel of the website based on the City’s new brand.  New features include:  mega-menus, “I want to”, “In our City”, “Report a problem”, “Subscribe for updates”, Capital Projects map, Points of Interests map, “Do I need a permit?”, etc.  The launch of the new website is scheduled to go live on May 31, 2017.

Council reviewed webcast options for Council meetings and decided not to pursue webcasting, at this time, due to costs and the lack of public demand for webcasting.

•           Bylaws 1821/1822 – OCP/Zone Amendments – McLean Street Housing Complex – Final Adoption
•           Bylaw 1825 – 605 Doherty Drive – Zone Amendment – Final Adoption
•           Bylaw 1826 – Repeal Purchasing Bylaw 1726 – Final Adoption
Next Meetings
•           7 pm, June 6th - Regular Council Meeting
•           5:30 pm, June 13th – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee

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