Thursday, August 31, 2017

CRD Board Highlights - Aug 31st mtg

Present: Chair A. Richmond; Directors T. Armstrong, J. Bruce, J. Massier, S. Forseth, J. Sorley, M. Wagner, D. Cash, B. Anderson, B. Coakley, R. Sharpe, B. Simpson, W. Cobb, M. Campsall and Alternate Director M. Neufeld (Area E)

Meeting called to order at 9:45am

Meeting agenda approved/Minutes of the CRD Board meeting held June 29th adopted
Delegations MOB received


Development Services:

1) The Board rejected 150 Mile House Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5086, 2017 and Williams Lake Fringe and 150 Mile House Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5087, 2017 (Area F), at the request of Director Sorley

2) The Board agreed to give 1st/2nd Readings to North Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5109, 2017

3) The Board agreed to give 3rd Reading to the following Planning Bylaws:

a) Central Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5088, 2017 (Area F)
b) Interlakes Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5089, 2017 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5090, 2017 (Area L)
c) North Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5091, 2017 (Area A)
d) South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5099, 2017 (Area H)

4) The Board agreed to remove a condition of third reading of Cariboo Regional District Quesnel Fringe Area Amendment Bylaw No. 4387, 2008 and replace it with " the establishment / maintenance of a 15 m vegetative buffer" with the costs of the covenants to be borne by the applicant

5) The Board received Municipalities’ and Cariboo Regional District Building Statistics Reports for May/June 2017


1) The Board received/ratified the Cheque Registers/MasterCard reports for the months of June/July 2017


Cariboo-North MLA Coralee Oakes appeared before the Board to provide an update

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked MLA Oakes for her time/information

Business, cont:

Directors' Requests:

1) The Board received a request from Area B Director Jerry Bruce in regards to staff assistance in preparing a draft recreation commission bylaw for Electoral Area B and agreed to the request

Meeting recessed at 11:01am to CCRHD Board
Meeting resumed at 11:32am

Delegation, cont:

Peter Urbanc, Chief Administrative Officer for the Municipal Finance Authority (MFA), appeared before the Board to provide a presentation on the MFA.

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked Mr. Urbanc for his time/information

Meeting recessed to lunch at 11:58pm
Meeting resumed at 12:40pm

At 12:40pm - the Board recessed to an In-Camera Meeting as per Sections 92/90(1a - appointment) of the Community Charter

At 1:55pm - the Board resumed its public meeting

Business, cont:

Finance, cont:

2) The Board agreed to the following in respect of Grant for Assistance applications:

a) $500 to Chimney and Felker Lakes Landholders Association (Area E)
b) Receive deferred applications from Rocky Mountain Rangers/1st Williams Lake Junior Cadets
c) $800 to the Big Creek Community Association (Area K), provided an Grant for Assistance application form is received from the Big Creek Community Association for this amount
d) Approve change of use for the 2017 Grant for Assistance - McLeese Lake Volunteer Fire Department (Area D)
e) $1,000 to 100 Mile House Wranglers (divided equally between Areas G,H,L)

3) The Board received a report of the Manager of Financial Services in regards to Unused Canada 150 Contributions and consented to allowing the Friends of the Quesnel Museum and SkyFest to retain their Canada 150 Grants

4) The Board agreed to allocate an additional $103,000 from Community Works Funds to complete the 103 Community Water System


1) The Board received a request of Director Anderson, in regards to a late UBCM resolution in regards to ranchers working collaboratively with the BC Wildfire Service during wildfire situations and agreed to the Resolution as follows:

WHEREAS many ranchers have heavy equipment, local expertise, and will stay to fight wildfires to protect their livestock, structures and land, sometimes for significant periods before the BC Wildfire Service is able to arrive;

AND WHEREAS the BC Wildfire Service does not make exceptions to rules and procedures for ranchers or work collaboratively with ranchers during wildfire events:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that in recognition that ranchers have equipment and local expertise that can assist in fighting wildfires, which can save structures, livestock, and lands, the BC Wildfire Service be urged to find ways to work collaboratively with ranchers in the suppression of wildfires

2) The Board approved 4 Resolutions as to the Alternate Approval Process for South Cariboo Cemeteries Contribution Establishment Bylaw No. 5071, 2017 (Areas G,H,L)

3) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of August 31st

4) The Board received NCLGA/UBCM/FCM Items as follows:

a) City of New Westminster - Request for Support of Resolutions for 2017 UBCM Convention
b) District of Squamish - Request for Support of Resolutions for 2017 UBCM Convention
c) Metro Vancouver Regional District - UBCM Resolutions on Electric Vehicle Charging

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

1) The Board received the following minutes from its' Committees or Commissions:

a) Central Cariboo Joint Committee Minutes - June 21, 2017
b) North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Minutes  - June 13 and July 11, 2017

2) The Board ratified recommendations from its' Committees/Commissions:

a) Central Cariboo Joint Committee - June 21st -- Fees and Charges Bylaw Amendment - Private Pool Rentals and Sponsorship Swims; Esler Recreation Advisory Commission - 2017 Spring Meeting Minutes and Recommendations; Pool Upgrade Project - Monthly Status Reports for April and May 2017 and Paid Parking Lot Behind Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex

b) North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee - July 11th -- North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Budget Amendment; West Fraser Centre Official Opening Celebration and Lhtako Dene Recognition Sign

Corporate Bylaws:

a) The Board agreed to give 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and Adoption to Quesnel-Hixon Subdivision Erosion Protection Works Service Parcel Tax Bylaw No. 5110, 2017
b) The Board agreed to give 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and Adoption to North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 5113, 2017

Directors' Requests, cont:

a) The Board received a request from Area F Director Joan Sorley to Discuss Compensation for Directors Working during Emergency Situations and referred it to the Finance/Audit Committee for consideration

The Board agreed to adjourn at 3:03pm

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