Friday, September 1, 2017

SD27 Update to 2017-18 School Year/Wildfires in Region

Courtesy of School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin):

Thursday, August 31st, 2017:

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Re: Wildfires and Safe Return to Schools

Further to our letter to Parents and Guardians on 23 August 2017, we provide the following updated information regarding the safe return to schools. The School District will continue to monitor the safe operation of schools in the weeks to come as evacuation orders and alerts are updated.

This summer has been extremely difficult on our families and communities. The Province of BC has extended a state of emergency until September 1 as wildfires continue to burn throughout the province. The state of emergency applies to the whole province to ensure public safety and a coordinated response to the wildfire situation.

In considering the opening of schools for student attendance, the following parameters were considered:

The safety of students and staff is paramount;

Schools will remain closed to students if the school is under evacuation order or alert; and
School busses will not operate in, or through, areas that are under evacuation order or alert.
Any updates to the following information will be posted to the School District’s website ( on Monday, 04 September 2017, by 11:00 am. Updates after 04 September will then regularly be posted by 11:00 am daily and will normally take effect the following day.

Student Safety While at School

Principals will consult the Air Quality Health Index and make decisions regarding students being outside (much the same as on cold days). If your child has any existing health issues that may be exacerbated by air quality, please contact your school.

School Evacuation Alert

In the event a school that is open for students is put on Evacuation Alert during school hours, parents will be required to pick up their child(ren) immediately. The School will begin its emergent notification process and contact parents. Parents are urged to register with the CRD’s Emergency Notification System, if they have not already done so (Emergency Notification System Sign Up). Upon learning of an evacuation alert, do not wait for the school to contact you – please pick up your child immediately. Circumstances will dictate whether school busses will operate in this situation.
If your home area is put on Evacuation Alert during school hours, please contact your school immediately to initiate a Student Safety Plan for your child(ren).

School Evacuation Order

In the extreme circumstance of an Evacuation Order during school hours, busses will be immediately called to the school and all students will be transported to a safe zone, based on the evacuation orders. Information will be posted to the School District’s website as soon as possible once the students have been moved. Emergency contact numbers will be posted as well.

Schools Closed to Students

Anticipated school openings are listed here. Effective today, 31 August 2017, the following schools will not be open for students on 05 September 2017: Horse Lake Elementary School, Alexis Creek School, Anahim Lake School, Dog Creek School and Tatla Lake School. Opening of these schools is dependent on wildfire activity.

Bus Routes

As of today, 20 bus routes in the District have been impacted, affecting many of our schools. As previously advised, busses will not be operating in, or through any areas that are on evacuation alert or order. See the list here to verify affected bus routes for your child(ren).

Alternate Transportation for Students and Student Safety Plan

Parents who choose to transport their child(ren) through evacuation alert areas to attend their school (that is open for students) will be required to have a School Principal approved Safety Plan in place for each child, prior to the child being allowed to attend classes. A copy of a Safety Plan form can be found here. It is imperative that if parents are making alternate transportation arrangements for their child(ren) the Safety Plan must be completed and approved by the School Principal PRIOR to the child(ren) attending school. If this affects you, and you require further assistance, please contact your school for details.
If parents are planning to meet the school bus at an alternate bus stop (outside an alert or evacuation area) parents MUST contact the Transportation Department for approval PRIOR to your child(ren) being transported on the bus. Contact numbers are included on the list (below) of bus routes affected.
Transportation Assistance

Temporary transportation assistance will be made available to qualified parents/guardians who are experiencing interrupted bus service due to the current wildfire situation. Application must be made on the appropriate form. (Transportation Assistance Wildfire Form)

Recovery after a Wildfire

The physical and emotional recovery process following wildfires can be lengthy. Children react and recover from fires and other traumatic events in various ways depending on their personal experience of the fire and other traumatic events that have occurred in their lives. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network – provides guidelines for parents, caregivers and educators to help support the recovery process for children after wildfires.

Children’s Reactions (Click on Recovery Tab)
What Parents Can Do to Help Their Children (Click on Recovery Tab)
Therapy for Children (Click on Recovery Tab)
What Parents Can Do to Help Themselves (Click on Recovery Tab)

Upon return to school, School Staff will also be available to assist any students affected. Parents of students who may require this assistance are asked to advise the school.

To support BC residents who have been affected by the wildfires, Morneau Shepell has opened a 24/7 crisis line for anyone impacted to speak with a counsellor. This complementary offering is available province wide outside of your individual Employee/Family Assistance Plan program (1-844-751-2133).

Thank you for your patience in dealing with the wildfire crisis, we will get through this together.

Yours truly,

Kevin Futcher                                                                        Mark Wintjes
Secretary Treasurer                                                                  Superintendent of Schools

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