Wednesday, January 31, 2018

2018 LGLA Leadership Forum - Day 1

Today through Friday at noon - the Local Government Leadership Academy or LGLA will host its' Annual Leadership Forum to provide educational opportunities for local elected officials/senior local government staff over a 3 day period.  Full Agenda details here

Day 1 of the LGLA 2018 Leadership Forum includes:

* Welcome by LGLA President Arjun Singh (also a Kamloops City Councillor, Thompson Nicola RD Municipal Director and UBCM 1st Vice President)

* Keynote Address - Shachi Kurl, Executive Director, Angus Reid Institute
* Tributes/Special Introductions
* Responsible Conduct: Codes of Conduct – From Principles to Action! LGMA/LGLA Joint Workshop
* Remarks from the Honourable Selina Robinson, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing
* Networking Opportunity for LGLA Delegates


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