Wednesday, January 31, 2018

2018 UBCM Electoral Area Directors' Forum - Day 2 of 2

The 2018 Union of BC Municipalities' Electoral Area Directors' Forum will continue this morning and end at 12 noon.

On Day 2 of the Forum:

* Welcome by UBCM President (and Regional District of East Kootenay Vice-Chair) Wendy Booth
* Electoral Area Director Alternates - Presentation by Cariboo RD Area G Director Al Richmond/Fraser Fort George RD Chair Art Kaehn.  View the Options Paper here
* Campaign Finance (2018 Local Elections) - Co-Presentation by Ministry of Municipal Affairs/Elections BC
* Rural Development Strategy - Presentation from the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
* Forum Wrap-Up/Adjourn


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