Wednesday, April 18, 2018

AKBLG 2018

After last weekend's AVICC (Association of Vancouver Island/Coastal Communities) 2018 Local Government Convention in Victoria, BC (for details from this Convention - click here), the Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments' (AKBLG) 2018 Convention starts today and concludes Friday at 12:30pm in Fernie, BC - which is nestled in the southeast corner of BC

The Convention Agenda includes:

* Walking Tours
* Welcome Reception
* Study Sessions
* Resolutions' Debate - Resolutions approved at this Convention go on to the 2018 Union of BC Municipalities or UBCM Convention which is being held September 10-14 in Whistler, BC

View full details here

Future BC Local Government Area Associations' Conventions' include:

SILGA (Southern Interior Local Government Association) - April 24-27 in Revelstoke BC
NCLGA - (North Central Local Government Association) - May 7-10 in Fort Nelson, BC
LMLGA - (Lower Mainland Local Government Association) - May 9-11 in Whistler, BC


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