Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Quesnel Council Highlights - Apr 17th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Independent 2017 Financial Audit Report
Chris Calder, Manager, and Corey Naphtali, Partner, both from the KPMG accounting firm, presented anIndependent Audit Report of the City’s 2017 Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2017. The City’s 2017 Financial Statements has received a clean audit in accordance with the Canadian public sector accounting standards.
Five Year Financial Plan (2018 to 2022)
The City of Quesnel Five Financial Plan, for the years 2018 to 2022, outlines the City’s policies regarding revenues, distribution of property taxes and permissive tax exemptions. The City’s Five Year Financial Plan also includes proposed revenues/expenditures and includes the operating/capital budgets. Financial implications for the Five Year Plan include:
  • Capital carryforwards of $3.9 million have been added to the approved 2018 capital budget of $11 million.
  • The proposed new public works building has been built into the five year plan. A referendum will be held, during the October 2018 Local Government Election, to seek permissive authority for the debt.
  • 2% inflation each year, 5% growth in Water Utility fees and 2% growth in Sewer fees.
Proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development (2nd Proposal) - Update
On March 6, 2018 Council approved the first bylaw reading of the Official Community Plan and Zone Amendment bylaws for BC Housing’s proposed Supportive Housing development that would be located on 6 vacant lots within the 300 Block of Elliott Street. Highlights of the second proposal submitted includes:
  • Removes the short stay shelter and emergency shelter components of the development.
  • Has 32 units of supportive housing with space for staff, programming and common facilities on the first floor.
  • Floor plans will continue to be a three storey building, although the footprint may be reduced.
  • 32 residential units will be self-contained one-bedroom units with full washroom and kitchen with shared common laundry rooms.
  • BC Housing to issue a Request for Proposal to invite qualified non-profit societies to operate this project. Until this occurs, advancement of City process (listed below) is on hold.
  • Public Consultation
    • Council will consider setting a date/time for the required Public Hearing should this development proceed.
    • Council to determine if additional consultation is required prior to the Public Hearing, or if the consultation thus far on the proposed development has been sufficient.
  • Once the Operator contract has been awarded, the exact needs for the first floor will be determined and finalized floor plans will be determined and the project form and character will be reviewed through the Development Permit process.
City of Quesnel Silent Auction
The City of Quesnel will be holding a sealed bid auction to sell confiscated or abandoned items seized by R.C.M.P. and surplus items from various City of Quesnel and North Cariboo Regional District functions. This auction is to take place on May 1, 2 and 3, 2018 at Arena II located at 500 Barlow Avenue. There are over 800 items including bicycles, electronic equipment, tools, jewellery, clothing and office furniture. A complete list of items will listed on the City’s website by April 20, 2018. Any items purchased will need to be paid for with cash or debit at City Hall before picking items up. The City will be advertising this auction in the Quesnel-Cariboo Observer newspaper on April 18 and 25, 2018.

May 1
9 AM – 5 PM
May 2
9 AM – 7 PM
May 3
9 AM – 1 PM
May 3
1 PM - 5 PM
Open bids call highest bidder, move to next if cannot be reached.
May 4
9 AM – 12PM
Open bids call highest bidder, move to next if cannot be reached.
May 4
9 AM – 2 PM

  • 1783 – Quesnel Lions Society Housing Agreement (255 McNaughton Avenue) – Second and Third
  • 1847 – Dakelh Housing Agreement (424 McLean Street) – Second and Third 
  • 1850 – Five Year Financial Plan (2018 to 2022) – First, Second and Third 
Next Meetings
  • 7 pm, April 24 - Regular Council Meeting
  • 7 pm, May 1 - Regular Council Meeting

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