Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Laurie Walters bows out of 2018 Local Election

At last night's Williams Lake City Council meeting -- Councillor Laurie Walters advised her Council colleagues and by extension, the community of Williams Lake that she would not seek re-election on October 20th, 2018

First elected in the 2008 local government general election and subsequently re-elected in the 2011 and 2014 local general elections - she primarily held the Community Services Portfolio which dealt with things like Arts/Culture and Parks/Recreation.

I first got the chance to work with her in an official capacity after my appointment as the Cariboo Regional District Area 'D' Alternate Director back in February 2013 and I have enjoyed working with her this term and the comments I have seen on Facebook so far express my own personal feelings -- she will be missed but we all wish her well in her future endeavours

As for why - Councillor Walters told My Cariboo Now:

"Really mixed emotions, but it feels good to actually come forward and say it. I know it’s been in the community and people have been asking. I think that definitely I came in to it to grow arts and culture-a performing arts centre was sort of on my mind and then I realized that there is so much more to being involved with Council.  The pool now that it’s done and the renovations are complete it feels really good, and it feels like a good legacy. But really at the end of the day it’s the small little day to day things that just add up and it feels so good when you move the City forward.”

In addition to Councillor Walters, Councillor Sue Zacharias has also said that she too will not seek re-election on October 20th while Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb and Councillor Craig Smith would both seek re-election on October 20th.  WL City Councillors Ivan Bonnell, Scott Nelson and Jason Ryll have yet to publicly indicate their re-election plans

Local Government Elections in BC will be held on Saturday, October 20th, 2018 to elect new School Trustees, Electoral Area Directors, Mayors and Councillors for the forthcoming 2018-2022 term of local government


1 comment:

  1. Good news for the citizens of Williams Lake. We need councillors with PURPOSE, who do not just rubber stamp the status quo. Not just there for the pay cheque and narrowly focused. There is more to running a city than art and over-priced dog parks and hiding or ignoring the real issues! We need effective representation who draw the public into the process, not hide what's
    going on. Good riddance to Laurie AND Sue.
