Tuesday, April 24, 2018

WL Council Highlights - April 24th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors I. Bonnell, S. Nelson, C. Smith, L. Walters and S. Zacharias

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Meeting agenda adopted/Minutes of the WL City Council Meeting held on April 10th be received/adopted


Mayor W. Cobb presented Volunteer Certificates from Diabetes Canada to Verna Fisher, Warren Williams and Sue Roorda


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings dated April 10, 12 and 13, 2018

2) Council ratified an email poll approving funding of up to $10,000 from an appropriate City budget line to assist in the planning and delivery of the wildfire recovery community event, in anticipation of expected reimbursement from the Canadian Red Cross Community Partnerships Program

3) Council approved registration, travel and associated expenses for Mayor W. Cobb and Councillors to attend the North Central Local Government Association's 2018 AGM & Convention being held May 7 to 10, 2018 in Fort Nelson, BC

4) Council adopted two Central Cariboo Joint Committee recommendations, as follows:

a) That pursuant to Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Report #02-2018, City of Williams Lake Councillors Ivan Bonnell and Jason Ryll, and Cariboo Regional District Director Joan Sorley be appointed to form a Committee, along with appropriate City and CRD Staff, to plan for the 2019 NCLGA Convention to be held in Williams Lake.

b) That pursuant to Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Report #03-2018, the report of the Director of Community Services dated March 20, 2018 regarding grant funding for change room expansion planning of the two arenas in the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex be received and an application be submitted to the NDIT Capital Investment Analysis grant program to help cover the costs of the planning; and further, the Central Cariboo Recreation budget be amended to allocate up to $20,000 to accommodate the development of the design and costing of the project, should it be necessary.

5) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to Waterworks Amendment Bylaw No. 2278, 2018

6) Council awarded the Pavement Rehabilitation 2018 contract to Peters Bros. Construction for a total tender amount of $1,576,258.50 excluding GST; and further, Council approve allocation of funds from the 2018 budget, in a project total amount of $1,816,258.50 including contingency and engineering.

7) Council received the Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification overview and encouraged property owners in the City and Regional District to consider the program when initiating major renovations or upgrade of commercial, multiple family, or public use buildings

8) After hearing from the public -- Council gave 2nd/3rd Readings to Development Cost Charge Bylaw No. 2280, 2018 and agreed to forward the bylaw to the provincial Inspector of Municipalities for approval and Staff report back to Council to concerns raised during the public input session

9) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to Williams Lake Tax Rate Bylaw No. 2276, 2018

10) Council approved a zoning application for 1411 Borland Road, gave 1st/2nd Readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2277, directed the usual public notifications take place and that a Public Hearing for this application be held on May 29th at 7pm in Williams Lake Council Chambers

11) Council approved the following two events:

a) All Nation Spring Classic Walk / Run - May 27, 2018
b) 7th Annual Williams Lake Walk for ALS - June 23, 2018

12) Council agreed to provide a letter of support to the 1st Williams Lake Junior Cadets Society for their grant applications toward hosting the 'Mental Health First Aid for Adults that work with Youth' course, a two day program offered through the Mental Health Commission of Canada, in Williams Lake

13) Council received the Meeting Minutes of the March 28th Central Cariboo Joint Committee

14) Council proclaimed the following:

a) "Hospice Palliative Care Awareness Month" - May 2018
b) "National Missing Children's Month and Missing Children's Day" - May 25th, 2018

15) Late Item --  Council appointed a Parcel Tax Review Panel and schedule the date for the Parcel Tax Roll Reviews to be held in Council Chambers, if required, on dates to be determined

16) Council received the "Council Information Package" as follows:

 March 2018 - Boys & Girls Club 'Race for Kids Sake' Registration & Fundraising Information;
 March 28, 2018 - Shaw 'Kindness Sticks' Campaign Information;
 April 13, 2018 - CRD Board Highlights

Members of Council & the Municipal Administrator (M. MacDonald) reported on their recent activities.  Councillor Walters advised that she will not be seeking re-election on October 20th, 2018

Media Question Period -- Development Cost Charge Bylaw; Slumber Lodge/William Inn - Progress Report

Council adjourned at 7:34pm and after a brief recess, Council resumed its' In-Camera Meeting as per Section 90(1a/e - appointment/land) of the Community Charter

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