Wednesday, June 27, 2018

McLeese Lake Crime Watch Mtg

Earlier this evening from 7-8pm at the McLeese Lake Community Hall, 21 people from the McLeese Lake community come together to discuss the recent crime wave at Cuisson and McLeese Lake areas and possible solutions with WL RCMP Inspector (and Detachment Commander) Jeff Pelley and the City of Williams Lake's Manager of Community Safety - Dave Dickson

As the Cariboo Regional District Area 'D' Director - I was most pleased with the discussion that took place between Inspector Pelley/Mr. Dickson and the community members present as feedback on policing was provided and a basic outline of a Rural Crime Watch program was formed and further discussion between McLeeese Lake residents/Dave Dickson will continue to get the Rural Crime Watch program for McLeese Lake started...

I also let the community members present know about an upcoming BC Hydro capital program (Peace to Kelly Lake Capacitor Program) that BC Hydro wanted input on and gave my commitment to provide further details Thursday...

Also - I took the opportunity to personally thank the community members present for the honour/privilege to serve as their Cariboo Regional District Area Director and I would indeed be seeking re-election and this was received by way of a round of applause...

My personal thanks to all of the McLeese Lake residents' for coming out and also to Inspector Pelley/Dave Dickson for making the drive to McLeese Lake to have the discussion.  All the efforts by everyone is greatly appreciated and I know it'll be worth it, in the end


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