Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Quesnel Council Highlights - June 26th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

BC Hydro – Peace to Kelly Lake Capacitors Project
BC Hydro representatives, Mark Alexander, Project Manager, and Sabrina Locicero, Stakeholder Engagement, explained that the Peace Region currently generates over 30% of the total electricity produced in the province, however, the lines in the area are at 95% capacity and will eventually not be able to maintain voltage. The Peace to Kelly Lake Capacitors project will address transmission capacity issues from the Peace Canyon Generating Station at Hudson Hope, BC to the Kelly Lake Substation near Clinton, BC. BC Hydro is exploring three project alternatives through public engagement with First Nations and stakeholders. The final option and project scope will be announced by early 2019 with anticipated completion between 2024 – 2026. For more information please visit the BC Hyrdo website.
City of Quesnel Economic Development Transition Strategy - Draft
Randy Sunderman of Peak Solutions Consulting, presented the draft City of Quesnel Economic Development Transition Strategy (“Strategy”). The Strategy identifies long term economic development direction and actions that reflect Quesnel’s visions for future prosperity, in accordance with boarder community development goals. The Strategy also builds on the City’s Economic Development initiatives aimed at economic diversification and community well-being. The Strategy focuses on five goals:
Attract and Retain a diverse and growing population through the provision of local services, amenities, and a strong sense of place;
  1. Diversify the economic base by creating a positive business climate and encouraging innovation;
  2. Develop Quesnel as a destination for visitors with improved infrastructure, hosting capacity, and marketing;
  3. Quesnel’s brand is based on nature and this should infuse and inspire all activities undertaken in the strategy;
  4. First Nations partnerships on economic diversification and collaboration on strategic project development.
Next steps include Council approving the Strategy at a future council meeting.
City of Quesnel Age-Friendly Assessment and Action Plan 2018
Council has approved the City’s Age-Friendly Assessment and Action Plan 2018. This framework was created through citizen engagement and is the first step in the Age Friendly Designation process. Age Friendly British Columbia identifies eight key accessible, inclusive and safe features for an age friendly community: outdoor spaces/public buildings, transportation, housing, social participation/recreation, respect/social inclusion, civic participation/information, communication/information, community support/health services. Next steps include prioritizing and implementing the recommendations and sharing the plan.
Seniors’ Day – September 8, 2018 – 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – Seniors’ Centre – FREE Breakfast & Resource Fair.
Re-Zoning to Regional Shopping Centre at 772 Rita Road
Council scheduled a Public Hearing for Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers.
Quesnel Wells Field Project Update
Council approved continued public and First Nations engagement in the next steps of the Environmental Assessment Exemption process, seeking approval from the Environmental Assessment office to extract groundwater from City water wells.
Barkerville Brewing – Proposed outdoor seating with liquor service
Council approved the Barkerville Brewing request for a 360 ft2 outdoor seating area at 185 Davie Street on a seasonal basis and recommended review of the Outdoor Seating Bylaw by the Policy and Bylaw Committee.
2017 Annual Report
Council approved the City’s 2017 Annual Report, posted on the City website for reference - 2017 Annual Report. A snapshot of the City of Quesnel, this report provides an organizational overview, including the Strategic Plan, Vision and Mission, 2017 Highlights, Financial Statements and 2017 Permissive Tax Exemptions, Councillors and Council Committees, and messages from the Mayor and City Manager.
Transit Service Hours
Council approved allocation of approximately 200 additional service hours to the Quesnel Transit schedule in a proactive approach to better serve the student population, following QJS relocation to Maple Drive. This change will enable students from QJS and Correlieu to use Quesnel Transit after school to reach jobs and extracurricular activities.
Pinecrest Water Trunk Main
The City was successful in obtaining the Clean Water and Wastewater grant funding for Pinecrest reservoir and booster upgrades. Significant work is already underway and, following a tender process, a contract for water trunk main installation has been awarded to Canadian Western Mechanical.
Funding for Forestry Initiatives
Following the 2017 wildfires, the City of Quesnel has been working on the Community Wildfire Protection Plan to find solutions to fuel management concerns in the areas surrounding Quesnel. To continue this valuable work, Council approved the use of up to $20,000 from the Wildfire Recovery Reserve to further forestry initiatives.
Bylaw of the Month – Water Sprinkling/Irrigation Restrictions
There is a $50 fine when watering properties outside of restriction days/times that is in effect annually from May 15 to September 30. Even numbered addresses must water on even numbered days and odd numbered addresses must water on odd numbered days between 6 – 10 am and 7 – 11 pm daily. Council may further restrict watering times/days should the need arise. Bylaw Enforcement Staff will be out during the month of July to strategically educate/enforce water restrictions throughout the community.
1856 – A Bylaw to amend the City of Quesnel Zoning Bylaw No. 1662 [Regional shopping centre at 772 Rita Road] – First and Second Readings
Next Meetings
5:30 pm, July 10 – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee
7 pm, July 24 – Regular Council Meeting

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