Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Editorial: Controversial Public Hearings/Elected Officials


At last night's Williams Lake City Council meeting - a public hearing was held to hear public input, for and against, on a rezoning application to allow secondary suites in the R-9 zone within single family dwellings for property at 375 Mandarino Place - view the full item here.  The Williams Lake Tribune captures what transpired at the public hearing and subsequent Council decision here

During the Public Hearing -- on several occasions, people addressing Council strayed from the proposed amendment to making it personal.  Had I personally chaired this Public Hearing, I would have instructed individuals to speak to the amendment and not make it personal & not come and rebut previous points raised which, in turn, would have reduced the 1 hour long Public Hearing down to 10-20 minutes

In the end by a 4-3 vote, Council decided to adopt the proposed amendment to the R-9 zone, as referenced above.

WL City Council and its' Staff may wish to consider reviewing how Public Hearings are conducted including making the rules clear by way of a Statement of the Chair of the Public Hearing at the beginning of a Public Hearing.  In my experience, more often than not - when this step is done (plus interventions from the Public Hearing Chair, when required), Public Hearings are respectful and civil when making one's views known on amendments to Official Community Plan/Zoning Bylaws

Finally - as a community member, I was deeply troubled that one WL City Councillor was verbally yelled at, as a result of the vote.  We don't have to agree with the decision but I would implore the community to remember that your elected officials on Williams Lake City Council are also community members and we should all treat them as we would want our elected officials to treat us - with respect, decency and civility.

I expect people will feel passionate about the decision for the next few days but, as the old saying goes -- This too will pass...

This editorial is my own and is not reflective on my elected position as Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area 'D' Director


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