Tuesday, September 18, 2018

WL Council Highlights - Sept 18th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors I. Bonnell, S. Nelson, J. Ryll, C. Smith, L. Walters and S. Zacharias

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Meeting agenda adopted
Minutes of the August 28th WL City Council meeting received/adopted


1) Council received for information the computer cheque listings & electronic funds transfer list for August 23, 24, 25, 30 and September 6, 10, 13 and 14, 2018

2) Council ratified several emails polls to confirm the following:

a) Authorize travel and associated expenses for Councillor Ryll to attend 'The State of the Sector' Heritage BC Consultation Roundtable taking place on September 19, 2018 in Quesnel, BC

b) Authorize receipt of the servicing memo dated August 24, 2018 from TRUE Consulting Ltd. regarding Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2285 for the proposed secondary suites use for the 375 Mandarino Place strata development, and directing Staff to issue notice of the application to surrounding property owners and tenants within a 100 meter radius of the subject property advising that the Public Hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2285 has been set for September 18, 2018 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall

c) Approve the annual Terry Fox Run event being held on Sunday, September 16, 2018, along the route as amended

Councillor Nelson declared a conflict of interest on the next two items and left Council Chambers at 6:02pm

3) Council approved the following Downtown Revitalization Tax Exemption Applications as follows:

a) Freedom DSJ Enterprises Inc. - 112 Fourth Avenue North. Purpose -- Façade improvements to Stage Coach Apartments, located at 112 Fourth Avenue North

b) Scott & Jas Rentals Ltd. - 655 Borland Street. Purpose -- Façade improvements to Parkview Apartments, located at 655 Borland Street

Resolved - That the Downtown Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw be referred to the General Governance Committee for review

Councillor Nelson returned to the meeting at 6:10pm

c) Oliver Street Investments Ltd. - 715 Oliver Street. Purpose -- For the new multi-tenant commercial building located at 715 Oliver Street

4) Council resolved to offer free and extended transit service on General Election Day, Saturday, October 20, 2018, for the City of Williams Lake Local Government Election in order to facilitate access to the voting centre at Marie Sharpe Elementary School.

5) Council was advised of the upcoming 4th Annual Fall Harvest Run on Sunday, October 21, 2018 & Mayor/Council and the community were encouraged to participate.

6) Council considered the following Bylaws, as follows:

a) Adoption - Permissive Tax Exemption Amendment Bylaw No. 2290, 2018
b) Adoption - Business License Amendment Bylaw No. 2291, 2018
c) Adoption - Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2281 - Platform Properties Ltd. - Adds "Beer and Wine Store" Use - 1185 Prosperity Way (Prosperity Ridge Shopping Centre)

d) Council referred back to Committee of the Whole "City of Williams Lake Regional Airport Fees Amendment Bylaw No. 2286, 2018" for further discussion with the primary commercial tenants (i.e.: Pacific Coastal/Central Mountain Air)

7) Council proclaimed the following dates/events:

a) "Clean Air Week" - September 24 to 30, 2018
b) "Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month" - November 2018
c) "World Mental Health Day" - October 10, 2018

8) Council refused to proclaim "Celebrate Life Week" - September 23 to 30, 2018

9) Council received In-Camera Report #8-2018 in reference to Managing Legal Cannabis - City of Williams Lake Council Policy (Click here)

10) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as of September 18th, 2018 as follows:

* August 24, 2018 - CRD Board Highlights

Council was informed of a City press release going out advising that the RC Cotton Lands would be transferred from BC Rail Properties Ltd to the City for the purposes of developing a recreation trail network

Council recessed its meeting to the Public Hearing on Bylaws #2272/2285 at 7:01pm
Council resumed its meeting at 9:01pm

11) Following a Public Hearing - Council gave 3rd Reading and Adoption to the following Bylaws:

a) Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2272 - Managing Legal Cannabis - Passed Unanimously 
b) Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2285 - 3Gen Cabinetry Corp. - Adds "Secondary Suites" Use - 375 Mandarino. Council divided - Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Councillors Nelson, Ryll, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors I. Bonnell and C. Smith

Council agreed to adjourn at 9:16pm

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