Sunday, October 7, 2018

2018 Fire Prevention Week (Oct 7-13)

This coming week is Fire Prevention Week (October 7-13).  This year's theme is

“Look. Listen. Learn. Be Aware – Fire can happen anywhere”

Click here for inside fire prevention tips while FireSmart tips can be viewed here

As I noted on Facebook --

Meanwhile, a good first step is to check and make sure that your smoke and CO2 alarms are both working by checking the batteries and pressing the test button on both alarms to ensure they work when required. Another friendly tip is to discuss your escape plan with your family from a burning home, if required

By using both of the above noted tips, you can ensure your family stay safe in case your home catches on fire.

Finally, if you want your local fire department to give you some friendly tips about how to keep your home fire proof, contact your local fire department. I’m sure they would be happy to walk with you and point out any improvements you can make to keep your home fire safe


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