Monday, October 8, 2018

IUOE Local 882 endorses re-election of incumbent members of Williams Lake City Council

Yesterday afternoon - Walt Cobb's re-election campaign team published a letter on the "Re-Elect Walt Cobb for Mayor (of Williams Lake) Facebook page from Local 882 of the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) which covers City of Williams Lake Unionized Staff in which the IUOE Local officially endorses the re-election bids of incumbent Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb along with incumbent Williams Lake City Councillors Ivan Bonnell, Scott Nelson, Craig Smith and Jason Ryll

Read the letter below for yourself:

Endorsement letter of IUOE Local 882 for
re-election bids of Walt Cobb (Mayor) &
Ivan Bonnell, Scott Nelson, Jason Ryll
and Craig Smith (Councillors)

While endorsement by local Labour Councils' or by individual unions for progressive/labour friendly candidates for local, provincial and federal elections are common place, it is rare for those that are viewed as "business friendly" candidates like Walt Cobb, Scott Nelson, Jason Ryll and Craig Smith and this is the first time, that I can recall in my 40 years of living in the Cariboo-Chilcotin, that any local union or Cariboo Labour Council has agreed to endorse the re-election campaigns of ALL incumbents seeking re-election to a Municipal Council

In responding to the endorsement -- incumbent Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb stated:

Thank you for the endorsement. I will continue fighting for industry when re-elected as mayor on October 20th.

With Advanced Voting for the 2018 City of Williams Lake Local General Election starting on Wednesday, October 10th (and again on Wednesday, October 17th) and General Voting Day on Saturday Oct 20th -- this endorsement could be seen as an incremental boost for the re-election campaigns for Walt Cobb (Williams Lake Mayor) and Ivan Bonnell, Scott Nelson, Jason Ryll and Craig Smith (Williams Lake City Councillors)

With effectively 11 days left on the campaign trail (I'm expecting that Mayoral/Councillor Candidates for Williams Lake City Council will take the day off before resuming campaigning tomorrow)...

We will all know on Saturday, October 20th after 8pm if this endorsement helps all incumbent members of Williams Lake City Council (Cobb, Bonnell, Nelson, Ryll, Smith) get re-elected...


1 comment:

  1. That union (I.U.O.E. 882B)is in bed with City Hall and only represents their members when they are backed into a corner! Their support for incumbent candidates is not surprising given their poor track record of representing their membership! a union in name only!!
