Thursday, January 24, 2019

BC Natural Resources Forum 2019 - Day 2 of 2

Today, I am attending the last day of the 2019 BC Natural Resources Forum in Prince George along with my Cariboo RD colleagues - Margo Wagner (Chair/Area H Director) and Gerald Kirby (Area J Director). The Forum concludes at 3:30pm today 

You can view the full Agenda here

On Day #2:

* Opening Remarks (8:30am - 8:45am)
* Panel 4 - Charting Forestry's Future (8:45am - 10am)
* Panel 5 - The Future of Energy (10:30am - 11:45am)
* Keynote Lunch Address - Dr. Alan Winter, BC's Innovation Commissioner (12:15pm - 1:40pm)
* Panel 6 - Transformative Influences in the Resource Sector (2:10pm - 3:25pm)
* Final Remarks/Adjourn (3:25pm - 3:30pm)

Upon my return to Williams Lake - I will publish my "Post Event", as is my practice attending a conference or convention, in regards to my attendance at the 2019 BC Natural Resources Forum including costs to attend


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