Wednesday, January 23, 2019

CC Joint Committee Highlights - Jan 23rd mtg

The Chair (Director A. Delainey) called the meeting to order at 5:30pm

The Chair acknowledged the meeting was being held on traditional Shuswap territory and reminded Committee members to put their phones into vibrant mode or turn their phone off....

Meeting Agenda approved and Minutes of the Nov 28th, 2018 Joint Committee were received/adopted


1) Williams Lake Daybreak Rotary Club, appeared before the Committee, to discuss the club's request for support of its' project to replace the mountain bike bridge over Williams Creek in the Williams Lake River Valley

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked the delegation for their time/information


1) Williams Lake Daybreak Rotary Club - Support Request to Replace the mountain bike bridge over Williams Creek in the Williams Lake River Valley

The Committee had before it a letter from the Williams Lake Daybreak Rotary Club
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the letter from the Williams Lake Daybreak Rotary Club be received and that $30,000 from Cariboo Strong and $10,000 from the Central Cariboo Recreation budget be approved to support the request of the Williams Lake Daybreak Rotary Club

2) Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society (CCACS) - 2018 Fourth Quarter Report

The Committee had before it the 2018 4th Quarter Report from the CCACS
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received

3) Lake City Secondary Wrestling Equipment Funding Request

The Committee had before it a letter from the City of Williams Lake along with a letter from Gregg Gaylord, Principal of Lake City Secondary concerning Wrestling Equipment Funding Request

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Letter received

4) Scout Island and River Valley Trails Fee-for-Service Agreement Renewals

The Committee had before it a report from the City of Williams Lake's Director of Community Services G. Paynton
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received and Fee for Service agreements be renewed at currently approved levels

5) Alexis Creek Outdoor Arena Project - Cariboo Strong Funding

The Committee had before it a report from the CRD's Community Economic Development Officer
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the agenda item summary from Adi Gurung, Regional Economic & Community Development Officer, dated January 15, 2019, regarding the Alexis Creek Community Club Outdoor Arena Project and Cariboo Strong funding support, be received. Further, that up to $20,000 for the project be approved from the Central Cariboo allocation of the Cariboo Strong program, subject to confirmation of approval from the project’s other funding sources.

6) The Committee held a verbal discussion on Community Wildfire Protection Plan

No resolution resulted

7) Action Page

The Committee was presented with its' Action Page, as of January 23rd
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Action Page received/Items 1 and 5 be removed

The Committee adjourned at 6:24pm

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