Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Quesnel Council Highlights - April 2nd mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Outdoor Cafés and Sidewalk Food Vendors

Council has approved the first three readings for the Outdoor Cafes Bylaw and the Sidewalk Food Vendor Bylaw that aims to streamline the process and decrease the steps involved for businesses to obtain an Outdoor Café and/or a Sidewalk Food Vendor Permit. Highlights of these two proposed bylaws are:

Outdoor Cafes

• Outdoor Cafes can be large or small. Small Outdoor Cafes will provide an option for businesses to place a small eating area on the sidewalk up to two tables. Large Outdoor Cafes can be located adjacent to the business on the sidewalk, boardwalk and/or in parking spots directly adjacent to the business, depending on width of the sidewalk.

• Application fees of $25 for small outdoor cafes and $100 for large outdoor cafes, plus building permit fees.
• No limit on the number of Outdoor Cafes within the designated Outdoor Cafe area.
• Ensure a minimum width of 1.5 meters is maintained for pedestrian movement on sidewalks.
• Allows for outdoor heaters and heat lamps, for Large Outdoor Cafes only, that meet safety requirements.
• Allows for music in accordance with the Noise Bylaw.

Sidewalk Food Vendors

There are three approved Sidewalk Food Vendor sites located at: St. Laurent Avenue/Reid Street, Reid Street/Barlow Avenue and the Fraser River Pedestrian Bridge/Front Street. Process changes for this Bylaw include:

• First come first serve basis when accepting Sidewalk Food Vendor applications, with preference given to existing vendors who are in good standing.
• The approval of the Sidewalk Food Vendor will now be done through a $250 Business License.
Next steps include:
• Council to consider final adoption of the Outdoor Cafes and Sidewalk Food Vendors bylaws at the April 16, 2019 Council meeting.
• Staff to bring forward a proposed Mobile Food Vendors Bylaw for Council consideration to the April 16, 2019 Council meeting.

Façade Improvements and Outdoor Café

Council reviewed, and approved, the Development Permit, for a façade improvement for three businesses (Quesnel Bakery, Big Brothers Big Sisters and Subway) located at 464, 468 and 468B Reid Street. The Outdoor Café is for the Quesnel Bakery business frontage.


• 1862 – West Quesnel Business Association – Local Service Area – Final Adoption
• 1866 – Outdoor Cafes – First, Second and Third Readings
• 1868 – Sidewalk Food Vendors – First, Second and Third Readings

Next Meetings:

• 6 pm – April 16, 2019 – Regular Council Meeting – City Hall/Council Chambers
• 6 pm – April 30, 2019 – Regular Council Meeting – City Hall/Council Chambers

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