Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Feedback sought on expansion of change rooms at Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex is considering expanding the arena changing rooms. A $10,000 grant from Northern Development Initiative Trust has been secured and Range Architecture has been hired to start the planning process.
“We have been seeing participant growth in many of our arena user groups, such as minor hockey, as well as new groups now using the facility, like speedskating. As a result, there is currently not enough dressing room space to adequately meet the demand,” explains Geoff Paynton, City of Williams Lake’s Director of Community Services.
“Before we really jump into the project, we want to hear from our stakeholders and user groups and see what they think of our proposed change room expansion. We want to make sure the plan works for them.”
The project proposes to add four additional changing rooms to the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex arenas. Two of those would be convertible to a team office and team changing rooms should a Junior Hockey team choose to locate in Williams lake in the future.
The project is in the planning stage, which includes the creation of concept designs, cost budgeting, economic impact analysis of the project and more. These items will set the stage for the proposed expansion, which will move forward upon securing additional grants.
The public is invited to view the preliminary planning work to date and provide input on the project. An open house will be held on April 10, 2019, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex arena lobby. Information boards will be displayed, and the consultants and City of Williams Lake and Cariboo Regional District staff will be available to answer questions.
The $10,000 grant from NDIT supplements the $20,000 allocated in the Central Cariboo Recreation service’s 2019 budget for the design phase of the project.
The Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex is owned by the Cariboo Regional District and funded through the Central Cariboo Recreation service, which covers portions of Electoral Areas D, E and F and the City of Williams Lake. The City of Williams Lake has a contract with the Cariboo Regional District to manage the facility and day-to-day operations and recreation programming.

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