Thursday, July 4, 2019

2018 Cariboo-Chilcotin Local Gov't SOFI Reports...

As I have had people looking for the 2018 SOFI Reports....

Each year - every local government (Municipal Council, Regional District Board or Board of Education) is required to publish a Statement of Financial Information or SOFI report outlining its' debt, remuneration/expenses - both for elected officials and for local government staff making over $75,000 and a collective amount paid to staff under $75,000 6 months after its' year end.  For Municipal Councils/Regional District Boards -- they operate under the January-December financial calendar (SOFI Report due by June 30th of the following year) while Boards' of Education operate under July 1st to June 30th financial calendar (SOFI Report due by December 31st after the fiscal year end ie: 6 months after June 30th)...

This is required under the provisions of the Financial Information Act which you can read here

Find below the table for 2018 SOFI Reports' for the District of Wells/100 Mile House, Cities of Quesnel/Williams Lake and the Cariboo Regional District.  For School Districts' #27 (Cariboo/Chilcotin -- Williams Lake/100 Mile House) and #28 (Quesnel) - their SOFI Reports will be publicly available this fall/winter....

Date 2018 SOFI Report Adopted
Link to Report

District of Wells
Unknown/Contact Wells CAO here
City of Quesnel
May 14th, 2019
City of Williams Lake
May 28th, 2019
District of 100 Mile House
Unknown/Contact 100 Mile House Director of Finance here
Cariboo RD
May 24th, 2019


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