Thursday, July 4, 2019

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - June 2019

In the month of June - I attended the following meetings or events:

June 11th - Regular meeting of the Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Society's Board of Directors' Meeting and their 2018 AGM

June 12th - CRD Emergency Preparedness Committee meeting & McLeese Lake Recreation Commission Meeting

June 16th - McLeese Lake VFD's Father's Day BBQ...

June 18th - Wildwood Community Association Meeting

June 19th Morning - Met with Max Chewinski at McLeese Lake - he is from UBC's Department of Sociology - regarding a study about how people respond to and engage with mining spills, given my role on the Mt Polley Public Liaison Committee (for the record - I am the appointed CRD rep to this Committee)

June 19th Afternoon - meetings of the Central Cariboo Rural Caucus/Joint Committee

June 20th - WL and District Chamber of Commerce Regular Monthly Meeting, as the CRD Central Cariboo appointed rep

June 21st - Met with CRD CAO John MacLean re: Area D Matters

June 26th - CRD's Policy Committee Meeting

June 27th - Meetings of the CCRHD/CRD Boards'

In addition, I responded to inquiries from Area 'D' residents' via email, phone, text or Facebook Messenger...

As to expenses submitted in the month of June 2019:

* June 12th - $75 for Emergency Preparedness Committee meeting

* June 26th - $75 for Policy Committee Meeting

* June 27th - $203 for CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings...


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