Monday, September 23, 2019

#CaribooRD Board attends UBCM this week

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors are attending the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) convention this week in Vancouver.
Throughout the week, CRD Directors are meeting with Ministers and ministry staff on several important issues affecting the region. The topics they will be raising include developing emergency egress routes for the Wells area (Purden Lake Connector) and the Horsefly/Likely area (Ditch Road); improving access to broadband internet in rural areas; industrial, commercial and institutional recycling regulation; expanding three-phase power along Highway 26; fixing the West Fraser Road; and additional support for rural policing and crime prevention.
The Board has also submitted nine resolutions for endorsement by the UBCM membership. The resolutions cover:
  • Consistency in access to Emergency Support Service (ESS) resources;
  • Training challenges related to new ammonia regulations;
  • Cannabis revenue sharing with local governments;
  • Resourcing a data sharing system in B.C. for emergencies;
  • Increasing funding for fire centres in B.C.;
  • A multi-agency approach to fire-smarting transportation corridors;
  • Maintaining provincial responsibility for the Fire Services Act and regulations;
  • Improving access to provincial emergency preparedness funding for independent fire services; and
  • The need for more small aircraft pilot training.
Updates and photos from the week will be posted on the CRD’s Facebook page and website.

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