Monday, September 23, 2019

#UBCM2019 - Day 1 of 5

Today is the 1st day of 5 for the 2019 Union of BC Municipalities' or UBCM Convention being held for the week of September 23-27, 2019 in the City of Vancouver... Many locally elected officials - whether Electoral Area Directors from the 28 BC Regional Districts', Municipal Councillors/Mayors or representatives from Indigenous Communities across BC - will be attending over the next 5 days to learn new best practices in local government, networking with colleagues or meeting with Provincial Ministry Staff or Cabinet Ministers...

On my calendar today:

* Financing Reconciliation: Supporting Inclusive Governance in BC – “That We May Be Good People Together” (Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Peoples)
* FortisBC Wine/Cheese Event
* Electoral Area Directors' Meet and Greet

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