Friday, September 27, 2019

Recycling Services coming to McLeese/Tatla Lakes

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

McLeese Lake and Tatla Lake residents now can recycle closer to home with the opening of satellite recycling depots in their communities. As of this week, both depots are open for business and accept all Recycle BC materials, including containers, paper, glass, plastic bags and overwrap, foam packaging and other flexible plastic packaging.
The McLeese Lake depot is located at the CRD McLeese Lake Transfer Station (2258 Beaver Lake Road) and will be open on Tuesdays and Saturdays from noon to 3 p.m. The Tatla Lake depot is located at the Graham Inn (6423 HWY 20). It is open Mondays and Fridays from noon to 2 p.m.
Please note, depots can only be used during hours of operation. Unfortunately, materials left outside the depot while it is closed will be disposed. Depot attendants help educate residents on how to sort their recyclables, but they will not do the sorting for them.
The new sites accept all Recycle BC materials. To learn what materials can be recycled or to find a depot recycling guide, visit or or pick one up at your local depot.
Please remember, CRD Recycle BC depots do not accept hazardous items like batteries, electronics, sharps, and pressurized tanks. To find out where to dispose of hazardous items, or non-packaging and paper items like tires, used oil or medications, visit or call the BC recycling hotline at 1-800-667-4321.
These are the first two satellite recycling depots opened by the CRD. They differ from a regular recycling site, because the CRD is responsible for hauling the recyclables to the next closest depot. For example, the McLeese Lake recyclables will be dropped off at the Wildwood recycling depot. Recycle BC is responsible for the transportation and management of the recyclables from there.
Adding these two depots were goals in the CRD’s current Solid Waste Management Plan. The planning process for the next plan will start in the fall of 2020. Watch for surveys and meeting dates to have your say.
To date, the CRD operates 13 regular recycling depots from Nimpo Lake to Watch Lake to Baker Creek and as far east as Horsefly. In 2018, 855 tonnes of recyclables were collected across all the sites. Find a list of the sites and their hours at
The CRD collects recyclables on behalf of Recycle BC, who responsibly recycles packaging and paper from B.C. residents. Learn more about the Recycle BC program:  

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