Friday, September 27, 2019

#UBCM2019 - Day 5 of 5

Today is the final day of the 2019 Union of BC Municipalities' or UBCM Convention being held for the week of September 23-27, 2019 in the City of Vancouver

On my calendar:

* Continuing debate on 2019 UBCM Resolutions (whichever UBCM Resolutions have not yet been debated will be referred to the 2019-20 UBCM Executive for their consideration)
* Installation of 2019-20 UBCM President
* Address by the Premier of BC - Hon. John Horgan
* Conclusion of the 2019 UBCM Convention

Following adjournment of the 2019 UBCM Convention - I will take place my afternoon flight back to Kamloops and then drive back to Williams Lake. A "Post Event report" for the 2019 UBCM Convention will follow in the next number of days


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