Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Central Cariboo Joint Committee Highlights - Feb 26th mtg

Present from CRD - Co-Chair M. LeBourdais; Directors S. Forseth, A. Delainey, and G. Kirby

Present from City of WL: - Co-Chair W. Cobb; Councillors S. Boehm, I. Bonnell and C. Smith (via teleconference)

Meeting chaired by Co-Chair LeBourdais and she called the meeting to order at 6:07pm.  She recognized that the meeting was taking place on Northern Secwēpemc te Qelmūcw (Shuswap) Territory

Meeting Agenda approved
Minutes of the Joint Committee meeting held on October 23rd, 2019 were received/adopted


1) CCACS 4th Quarter 2019 Report

The Committee had before it a report from the Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Society regarding its' 4th Quarter 2019 activities
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received

2) Central Cariboo Joint Committee Terms of Reference

The Committee had a discussion on its' Terms of Reference

Resolved -- That the Committee's Terms of Reference be amended as discussed

3) Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society Performances in the Park Service Agreement Renewal

The Committee had before it a report from the CRD Manager of Community Services (D. Campbell)
Discussion ensued thereon...

Resolved - That it be recommended to the Regional Board/City Council:

That the agenda item summary from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, dated January 6, 2020, regarding the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Performances in the Park services agreement with the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society and the City of Williams Lake, be received. Further, that the agreement for 2020 & 2021 at $15,000 per year be entered into with the Society

Director A. Delainey left the meeting at 6:45pm

4) Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex 2020 Financial Plan and Capital Adjustment

The Committee had before it a report of the City of WL's Director of Community Services (I. James)
Discussion ensued thereon..

Resolved - That it be recommended to the Regional Board:

That the City of Williams Lake Council Report from Ian James, Director, Community Services, dated January 19, 2020, regarding the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex 2020 Financial Plan and Capital Adjustment, be received and further, the changes and adjustments made to the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex 2020 Financial and Capital Plan be endorsed minus the Gazebo being deferred until 2021 and Staff investigate grant opportunities for constructing the Gazebo

5) 2020 Community Recreation Interest Survey Results

The Committee had before it a report of the City of WL's Director of Community Services (I. James)
Discussion ensued thereon.

Resolved - Report received

6) 2020 Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting Schedule

The Committee had before it a report of the CRD's Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant (L. Schick)
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the Joint Committee endorse the 2020 Meeting Schedule

7) Stampede Parade Proposal - Daybreak Rotary Club

The Committee had before it a letter from the Daybreak Rotary Club regarding the 2020 WL Stampede Parade
Discussion ensued thereon..

Resolved - That it be recommended to the Regional Board:

That the correspondence, dated November 26, 2020, from the Daybreak Rotary Club, regarding the club's proposal for producing the Williams Lake Stampede Parade be received and up to $10,000 funding for the 2020 Williams Lake Stampede Parade be authorized from Cariboo Strong funds

8) Discussion Items --

a) City / CRD / First Nations / Museum Meeting - Regional Museum Funding
b) January Meeting of the Indoor Turf Technical Committee

Director Forseth reported on this items
Discussion ensued thereon...

Resolved - That the item of Regional Museum Funding be referred to Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus for consideration...

9) Action Page

Discussion ensued thereon...

Resolved - Action Page received and Items 3,5 and 9 be removed

The Committee adjourned at 7:27pm

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