Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus Highlights - Feb 26th mtg

Present: Chair S. Forseth; Directors A. Delainey, M. LeBourdais and G. Kirby

Meeting called to order at 3:05pm

The Chair acknowledged that the meeting is taking place on Northern Secwēpemc te Qelmūcw (Shuswap) Territory and he noted that today is "Pink Shirt Day" with this year's theme Lift Each Other Up...

Meeting Agenda approved
Minutes of the Caucus meeting held on January 22nd, 2020 were received/approved


Members of the North Cariboo Agricultural Development Advisory Committee appeared before Caucus to discuss the possibility of forming a Central Cariboo Agricultural Development Advisory Committee

A Question/Answer period ensued thereon following a Power Point presentation

The Chair thanked the delegation for their time/information


1) 2020 Info Fair & Directors Meetings (matter deferred from the January 22nd Caucus Meeting)

Caucus had before it a report of the Manager of Communications
Discussion ensued thereon...

Resolved -- That Staff investigate options for a scavenger hunt style information fair in 2021 and that a joint Areas D-E-F Town Hall session occur in Fall 2020 in Williams Lake

2) City of Williams Lake - 2020 All Nations Pow Wow

Caucus had before it a letter from the City of Williams Lake regarding the 2020 Pow-Wow event & Council Resolution..

Discussion ensued thereon...

Resolved -- Letter received

3) Discussion Item - Central Cariboo Tourism Funding

General discussion ensued

No resolution resulting from the discussion

4) Action Page

Discussion ensued thereon...

Resolved -- Action Page received and Items #3,4 be removed

Caucus adjourned at 4:40pm

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