Friday, May 29, 2020

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - May 29th mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner/Vice-Chair J. Massier and Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Forseth, Delainey, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Kirby, Mernett, Macdonald, Fourchalk, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall

Meeting held electronically and called to order at 9:45am

Meeting Agenda adopted

Minutes of the May 8th Cariboo RD Board Meeting were received/adopted

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Forseth (Area 'D')

The Board received the Delegations Memorandum of Business


1) The Board adopted Temporary Use Permit Bylaw No. 5230, 2019 (Area H/Davies) with an condition on adoption being:

That the applicants be advised that should they try to hold an event prior to completion of the sediment control measures that they have undertaken to complete as soon as weather and ground conditions allow, that the Board will immediately proceed with the steps necessary to rescind this approval.

2) The Board approved Development Variance Permit #3/2020 (Area A/Barr - 1902 Crystal Street)

3) The Board approved Development Permit #13-2020 (Area A/950 Mountain Ash Road - School District #28 (Quesnel))

4) The Board approved entering into an contribution agreement with the Likely & District Chamber of Commerce for Community Works Funds ($3,000) for two new energy efficient refrigerators at the Likely Community Hall.  

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Forseth (Area D)

5) The Board supported an NDIT grant application from the Horsefly Community Club to the Northern Development Initiative Trust for $15,000 in funding from the Community Halls and Recreation Facilities Program for the installation of a commercial kitchen.  

6) The Board approved a contribution of $5,000 be made from the North Cariboo Economic Development function to support a North Cariboo Shop Local campaign

7) At the request of Director S. Forseth (Area D) -- The Tyee Lake Community Association was approved for a $1,000 Grant for their 2020 AGM with source of funds being the Area D Grant for Assistance Fund

8) The Board received a request from Stick & Stone Cannabis Co. and the Association of Canadian Cannabis Retailers (ACCRES) for the CRD Board’s support of the provincial government modifying the cannabis retail regulations to allow online sales of cannabis products by regulated private retailers and the provision of direct door-to-door delivery to customers and took no further action

9) The Board approved the COVID-19 Reintroduction of Library Services in the Cariboo Regional District, as outlined in the Staff report

10) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of May 29th, 2020

11) The Board received meeting minutes from the following meetings:

a) Protective Services Committee - Feb 12th, 2020 meeting

Meeting recessed at 11:00am to CCRHD Board
Meeting resumed at 11:35am 

Business, cont:

a) Protective Services Committee - Feb 12th, 2020 meeting
b) South Cariboo Joint Committee - May 13th, 2020 meeting

And endorsed the following recommendation from the May 13th meeting of the South Cariboo Joint Committee as follows:

That the agenda item summary from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, dated May 4, 2020, regarding Cariboo Strong funding to support implementation of the South Cariboo Wheelchair Accessible Trails Project, be received. Further, that $30,000 from the South Cariboo allocation of Cariboo Strong grant funding be approved for the project. 

12) At the request of the Board Vice-Chair (Area 'C' Director J.Massier) - the Board agreed to recommend the appointment of Area 'G' Director Al Richmond to the Barkerville Heritage Trust Board. 

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Forseth (Area 'D')

13) At the request of Director M. LeBourdais - the Board authorized $99 from Electoral Area Administration for her to attend Canada’s Rural & Remote Broadband Virtual Conference taking place June 8-9, 2020 in her Capacity as Chair of the Broadband Committee

14) The Board received the Chair's activity report as of May 26th, 2020

At 12:38pm -- the Board resolved into a Closed Session (In-Camera) as per Sections 92 (resolution to proceed to closed meeting passed in an open meeting) and 90(1i & k) of the Community Charter [legal advice and negotiations]

At 1:28pm -- The Board meeting resumed its open meeting & adjourned

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