Friday, May 29, 2020

CCRHD Board Highlights - May 29th mtg

Present: Chair B. Simpson/Vice Chair A. Richmond and Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Massier, Forseth, Delainey, LeBourdais, Wagner, Glassford, Kirby, Mernett, Macdonald, Fourchalk, Cobb Campsall and TNRD Area 'E' Director S. Watson

Meeting held electronically and was called to order at 9:30am

Meeting Agenda Adopted

Minutes of the May 8th CCRHD Board Meeting were received/adopted

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Forseth (Area 'D')

The Board received the CCRHD Delegations Memorandum of Business


1) The Board received the Hospital Consent Calendar

The Chair provided an Capital Projects update for Cariboo Memorial Hospital and GR Baker Hospital

At 9:41am - The Board resolved into a Closed Session (In-Camera) as per Sections 92 (resolution to proceed to closed session in an open meeting) and 90(1j - information prohibited from public disclosure) of the Community Charter

The Board resumed its' public meeting & recessed at 9:43am
Meeting resumed at 11:00am


Penny Anguish, Chief Operating Officer; Daryl Petsul, Quesnel Health Services Administrator; Mike Hoefer, Regional Director, Capital Planning and Support Services; and Peter Kallos, Director, Development Services -- all from Northern Health appeared before the Board, via electronic means, to provide updates.

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked the delegation for their time/information

The Board adjourned at 11:34am

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