Friday, November 20, 2020

#CaribooRD/#CCRHD Board Highlights - Nov 13th mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Editor's Note -- due to multiple meetings on this day, I was not able to take my usual complete meeting notes..

Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board Highlights

For an online version of the CCRHD Board meeting agenda, including agenda item summaries and reports please visit: CCHRHD Board Agenda November 13, 2020

Information Updates

The board received five items from Northern Health and Interior Health for its consent calendar.

Capital Project Updates

The Interior Health Capital Projects and Planning Status Report, for September 2020, was received

Chair Bob Simpson gave a verbal update on a regional Recruitment and Retention strategy for healthcare professionals and current capital projects.

Cariboo Regional District Board Highlights

For an online version of the CRD Board meeting agenda, including agenda item summaries and reports please visit: CRD Board Agenda November 13, 2020.

Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

Chair Margo Wagner was acclaimed for another term as chair of the board. Vice-Chair John Massier was chosen as vice-chair after a run-off election, due to a tie with Director Angie Delainey in the first round of voting. The term for both positions is to run until the first Board meeting after November 1, 2021

Planning Bylaws

Zoning Amendment Bylaw 5288 (Area G) allowing for special exception zoning (C 1-4) to open a mobile home dealership was given two readings. Adoption of the amendment is subject to a covenant to ensure compliance with the CRD Shoreland Management Policy with regard to sewerage disposal and riparian protection (cost of covenant to be borne by applicant).

Area G Zoning Amendment Bylaw 5284 (from RR 1 to RR 2) was given third reading.

Area G Zoning Amendment Bylaw 5285 (amendment to text) was adopted.

Agricultural Land Commission Applications

A Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application to subdivide the 56.56 ha parcel at 3987 Mahood Lake Road into two lots was received for submission to the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission, with a recommendation for approval.

Development Services

Advisory Planning Commission Bylaw No. 5292 (increasing maximum membership on each planning commission from 10 to 14) was brought forward for three readings and adopted, replacing existing Bylaw No. 5006.

Environmental Services

The Board approved the purchase of 9 to 11 Transtor waste bins from Rollins Machinery with a down payment of $300,000 by January 15, 2021.

An agenda item summary regarding the BC Recycling Regulation Intentions Paper Feedback, was received and staff instructed to respond to the intentions paper.

An agenda item summary regarding Invasive Plant Enforcement Action against Blue Goose Cattle Company, was received, with the Board approving a recommendation to proceed with enforcement action through a court-ordered injunction, if the company fails to comply voluntarily.

An application from property owners at 5606 103 Mile Lake Road for an extension to the 103 Mile water system, was received, with the CRD to establish the appropriate legal agreement with the property owners for the extension of the 103 Mile water system and amend the area boundary to include the land parcel.

Community Services

The Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club’s application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Recreation Infrastructure Program for $59,600 to construct a storage facility at Bull Mountain, was received and the grant application supported.


The Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of October 2020, was received and ratified.

An agenda item summary from John M. MacLean, CAO, regarding the COVID-19 Safe Restart Grant for Local Government, was received. Consideration of the grant allocation of $837,000 was referred to a Special Board meeting scheduled for December 11th for discussion and direction.

A recommendation from the Finance/Budget Committee, that the Red Bluff Sewer residential user rates be increased by 3% for 2021 was endorsed.

A recommendation from the Finance/Budget Committee meeting, that staff investigate the financial implications of deferring the Pine Valley Sewer residential user fees increase to 2022 pending a capital asset management plan to be completed in 2021, was endorsed.

A recommendation from the Finance/Budget Committee meeting, that staff investigate and report back on budget scenarios exploring the accumulation of operational reserves, for self-funding purposes, over a longer time period than the current five years proposed in the 2021 provisional five year plan, was endorsed.

Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus

The minutes of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting, held October 28, 2020, were received and adopted.

An agenda item summary regarding the Central Cariboo Visitor Information Centre Contribution Agreement renewal for an additional three-year term, was received and approved. The agreement will be renewed with the increased amounts including $5,000 to the Likely Visitor Info Centre, $5,000 to the Horsefly Visitor Info Centre, $3,000 to the 150 Mile Visitor Info Centre (Old School House), and $30,000 to the Williams Lake Tourism Discovery Centre. Funds will be sourced from the Central Cariboo Economic Development Budget.

A recommendation by the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus that the previous appointment of Area D Director Steve Forseth to the Mount Polley Public Liaison Committee be rescinded was endorsed. The CRD maintains membership on the committee with Area F Director Maureen LeBourdais.

The minutes of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting, held October 28, 2020, were received and adopted.

Directors’ Requests, Reports, and Appointments

Requests from Directors Forseth and Bachmeier for funding to attend the virtual 2021 BC Natural Resources Forum were received and approved.


Cariboo Regional District Security Issuing (City of Quesnel – New Public Works Facility) Bylaw No. 5293, 2020, was given three readings and adopted.

Two requests by Director Bachmeier, to recognize the members of the Area B Advisory Commission and Bouchie-Milburn Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee via a dinner or gift were approved. A similar request, to thank the Bouchie Lake and Parkland Commissioners with a gift or dinner, was also received and approved.

Chair Report

A report from Chair Margo Wagner, for the period up to and including November 10, 2020, was received and approved

CAO Report

A report from CAO John MacLean, for the period up to and including November 10, 2020, was received.

Upcoming Meetings:

CCRHD & CRD Meetings: Friday, December 4, 2020

See the full CCHRD and CRD agenda at

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