Friday, November 20, 2020

Mandatory Masks at Cities of Quesnel/Williams Lake Facilities

From the City of Quesnel:

The City of Quesnel is following measures as directed by the Provincial Health Ministry as we deal with COVID-19 in British Columbia. This is an evolving situation, and we will adapt our response based upon advice from public health officials. As always, the health and safety of the public and City staff remain our top priority.
Effective immediately, as directed by the Provincial Health Officer, all staff and visitors to City of Quesnel facilities must wear masks or face coverings. This includes City Hall, Quesnel and District Arts & Recreation Centre, West Fraser Centre, Arena 2, Public Works and any other indoor facility owned or operated by the City of Quesnel. All public attending Council Meetings will be required to wear a mask. 
Employees are not required to wear masks in their individual offices or in protected/isolated areas away from others. This Order does not apply to visitors with medical exemptions or those who are under the age of two years.
Public health officials have made the requirement of wearing masks based on a number of factors. These factors include rates of infection and/or transmission in the community.
Also in accordance with the new Public Health Orders, no spectators are allowed at any sport activities at the West Fraser Centre, or Arena 2. Sport teams travelling from outside of Quesnel will not be able to participate in sporting events at City facilities, the only people allowed to attend sport activities are those that provide care to a participant or player. The City of Quesnel will work with minor sport groups to ensure parental supervision can be provided where appropriate for very young children.
The walking track is still available and public skating will continue at Arenas. Masks are mandatory for those using the walking track, and those skating will be required to wear a mask while in the arenas, but not while on the ice.
Gym facilities as well as the pool and hot tub remain open at the Recreation Centre. Masks are mandatory everywhere outside of the pool and pool deck at the Recreation Centre as well as for those using the gym/facilities.
We are focusing on maintaining services that our residents rely on, and agree with the health experts’ direction to exercise an abundance of caution in dealing with this virus, so that we can help curb its spread throughout British Columbia.
For further information about the Provincial Health Orders, please visit the BC Government website.
For more information about proper mask use please visit the Government of Canada website.
If you have questions regarding a City or Recreation function please email 

From the City of Williams Lake:

Following the Provincial Health Officer Order effective midnight on November 19, 2020, visitors are required to wear masks or face coverings in all City of Williams Lake facilities. This includes City Hall, Williams Lake Regional Airport, Works Yard, Firehall, and the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex. 
The City will continue to provide a hand sanitizer station at the main entrances to its buildings, and asks that the public follow the signage regarding the use of masks. Although facilities remain open to the public, the City continues to ask that, wherever possible, visits are limited to essential business only. We encourage the public to call or email the appropriate department listed below, and support will be given over the phone or electronically where possible: 

• Airport: 250.989.4713 or 
• Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex: 250.398.7665 or 
• Corporate Services: 250.392.1772 or 
• Financial Services: 250.392.2311 or 
• Planning/Business License/Engineering: 250.392.1765 or 
• Bylaw Enforcement: 250.392.2311 or 
• Municipal Services: 250.392.1784 or 
• Building Inspection: 250.392.1765 or 
• General Inquiries: 250.392.2311 

Council meetings will proceed following the guidelines of the Order, with limited seating and masks mandatory for the public. Employees will continue to practice safe physical distancing and sanitization practices, as well as wear masks in all common areas and where physical distancing is not possible. The Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex continues to require masks in all common areas. All spectators are now prohibited from the Complex; this includes spectators in the ice arenas, fitness centre and aquatic centre. Sports teams travelling from outside of Williams Lake will not be permitted to participate in sporting events at the Complex. Some high-intensity programs have been cancelled or postponed; registrants of those programs will be contacted or can call 250-398-7665 for more information. The ice rinks, aquatic facility, fitness centre and low-intensity programs will continue to operate and be available to patrons. 

The Complex will work closely with the Minor Hockey Association, figure skating, speed skating and Blue Fins to support a smooth transition to these requirements. The Complex will continue to follow its COVID-19 safety plan's policies to ensure that the facility can remain open and available to patrons in a safe manner.

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