Thursday, February 18, 2021

Feb 17th, 2021 #CaribooRD Area "D" Virtual Town Hall Mtg

Just a thank YOU to everyone who was able to show up, via Zoom, for the Area "D" Town Hall Meeting yesterday evening from 7-8:30pm

You can watch the video from the meeting at 

Summary of Video:

* Area D Initiatives in 2020 -- Transportation/Drainage Issues (McLeese Lake, Wildwood, Commodore Heights); Central Cariboo Housing Needs Study (should be completed by Summer 2021); Internet/Cell Connectivity Strategy (should be completed by Summer 2021); upcoming review of CRD Solid Waste Management Plan in 2021/22; Natural Gas Service in McLeese Lake (looked into feasibility - costs too high and no grants to implement); Dog Control (roaming dogs in Wildwood/PIne Valley areas -- Board directed Staff to bring forward a bylaw for public engagement); Convention Transit in Wildwood to Commodore Heights area (public engagement to occur once Areas D,E,F Directors' have a specific proposal to take to the public)

* Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Budget for 2021
* Cariboo Regional District Budget for 2021

You can also review the #CaribooRD 2021 Budget/Business Plans at

After reviewing the material -- you can provide your feedback via email at or call the Regional District Chief Financial Officer at 250-392-3351 The deadline to provide feedback is Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021 

Thank you, again!

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