Thursday, February 18, 2021

Quesnel Council Highlights - Feb 16 mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

BC Assessment – Delegation

Scott Sitter, Assessor for Northern BC, BC Assessment, provided Council with an overview of the 2021 Assessment Roll process including generic information about property valuation, classification and assessment cycle, as well as Quesnel specific data. Highlights of various property class assessments averages are: residential up by 4.15%, major industry up by 0.40%, light industry up by 13.97%, and business down by 1.69%.

Quesnel River Whitewater Recreation Opportunities

Council reconsidered the February 2, 2021 Resolution #21-09-88, whereby Council has now approved $40,000 from the Council Initiatives budget to complete the Quesnel Standing Wave Study and Implementation Plan.

Johnston Avenue - Resident Concerns

Council confirmed that Johnston Avenue is an arterial road designed to move traffic to and from Johnston Subdivision, therefore consideration of changing the speed limit, re-installing speed bumps, adding stop signs and an additional sidewalk, will not be considered at this time (The speed bumps along Johnston Avenue were removed by petition of local residents in 2014). Of note, the RCMP have stepped up their patrols of the area due to speeding complaints on Johnston Avenue.

North Cariboo Seniors’ Council
Council approved the City of Quesnel entering into a three-year Memorandum of Understanding with the North Cariboo Seniors’ Council (“NCSC”). Funding to support NCSC will come from the City’s COVID-19 Safe Restart Grant.which will assist the NCSC with administration, logistics and projects that will enhance the safety, quality of life, livability and sustainability for seniors in our community.

    Climate Actions

    The City is currently working on various climate action initiatives. Please visit the following weblinks to find out the status of the City’s climate action initiatives:

    Proposed Development Update:

    • Rita Road – Council approved a Development Permit for a new 697 m2 (7500 ft.2) large-scale, one-story, retail building.
    • North Fraser Drive – Council directed staff to proceed with drafting a proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw that would create a new Comprehensive Development Zone on North Fraser Drive, that would allow for a multi-unit residential development to be consolidated with the existing Friendship Centre building, that would include a 34-unit apartment building for low-income individuals, a day care and a catering business.
    • Hoy Street – Council gave first reading for proposed Official Community Plan and Zone Amendment Bylaws for a proposed multi-unit residential development that would allow for 10 units of housing (two-fourplexes + 1 duple) as well as convert the River Rock Pub to office space to serve Nazko members. Grant funding for this development has been applied for through the Federal Rapid Housing Initiative by the Nazko First Nation. The Public Hearing has been set for 5:30 pm, April 7, 2021. The Public Notice will provide details on how the public can provide Council with input, regarding this proposed development, given the current COVID-19 Pandemic restrictions.

    Grant Applications 

    Council approved City staff to submit the following grant applications:

    2024 BC Winter Games Bid - Update

    Due to a required endorsement of the BC Games bid not being made by a community partner, the City of Quesnel was not able to submit a bid to host the 2024 BC Winter Games. 


    • Bylaw 1903 – OCP Amendment (Hoy Street) – First Reading, Public Hearing 5:30 p.m., April 7, 2021, venue to be determined.
    • Bylaw 1904 – Zone Amendment (Hoy Street) – First Reading, Public Hearing 5:30 p.m, April 7, 2021, venue to be determined.

    Next Council Meeting

    • 6:00 p.m. – March 2, 2021 – Regular Council Meeting

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