Friday, February 26, 2021

Local Gov't Mtgs: Wk of March 1st - 5th, 2021

The following local governments of the Cariboo-Chilcotin are meeting during the week of March 1st - 5th, 2021, as follows:

Quesnel: Regular City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 2nd at 6pm via Zoom (meeting to be taped and uploaded to YouTube the following day).  On the Agenda:

* Committee Reports
* Draft 2021 Operating Budget - for approval 
* Forestry Initiatives Program Application to Community Resiliency Investment Program FireSmart Economic Recovery Fund 
* Union of BC Municipalities Poverty Reduction Grant Application 
* Appointment of City of Quesnel Fire Chief 
*Northern Development Initiative Trust Bike Park Grant Application 
* Zoning Amendment - Quesnel Tillicum Society/Friendship Centre Property

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Committee of the Whole Session on Tuesday, March 2nd at 6pm.  Meeting to be held in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St).  Due to current BC Public Health Orders, Public Attendance is prohibited but meeting to be livestreamed on the City's YouTube Channel.  On the Agenda:

* Delegation #1 -- Update from Sydney Redpath re Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism
* Delegation #2 -- Laurie Walters, PASS Program Coordinator and Larry Stranberg, Program Manager of Community Futures re Introduction of Planning A Successful Succession (PASS) Presentation

COVID 19 Safe Restart Funding - Further Allocations
Extension of Rent Relief at Williams Lake Regional Airport

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District - Meetings as noted below.  Due to current BC Public Health Orders, Public Attendance is prohibited but meeting to be audio livestreamed (look for View Livestream) at

Committee of the Whole - Meeting on Thursday, March 4th at 10am.  On the Agenda:

Delegation #1 at 10am -- Dave Zirnhelt, Chair of the Cariboo Agricultural Research Alliance (CARA) and Serena Black, CARA Coordinator to discuss CARA's initiatives, its long-term vision to support an economically thriving agriculture sector and the opportunity to collaborate

Delegation #2 at 1pm -- Jane Nichol, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD) (Water Stewardship Division);

George Roman and David Campbell, River Forecast Centre;

Heather McRae and Debbie Alexander, Emergency Management BC (EMBC); and

Sandi Griffiths, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) - to speak about water management, river forecasting, emergency management and MOTI preparation for the freshet.

* Discussion Paper -- Agriculture Planning within the Cariboo Regional District

View the full Agenda here

Solid Waste Committee - Meeting on Thursday, March 4th at 11:30am (this Committee meeting will NOT be livestreamed).  On the Agenda:

* Status of the Solid Waste Management Plan

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District -  Meeting on Friday, March 5th at 9:30am. On the Agenda:

* Consent Calendar

* Announcement of more surgical services at Cariboo Memorial Hospital in Williams Lake

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District - Meeting on Friday, March 5th either at 9:45am or upon meeting recess or adjournment of the CCRHD Board Meeting, whichever occurs first.  On the Agenda:

* Delegations (2) -- Tera Grady re: Review Solid Waste activities in 2020 and look ahead into 2021 & Geoscience BC re: update on the Central Interior Copper-Gold Research series and other projects

* Approval for Community Works Fund projects in Areas C/J as well as for 100 Mile Snowmobile Club

* South Cariboo Track and Trail Dirt Bike Association to Northern Development Initiative Trust

* Grant for Assistance Application from the Cariboo Pioneer Centre BC OAPO 176, requesting $1,000 to pay for insurance

* Grant Funding Application to the UBCM Community Emergency Preparedness Fund for Detailed Flood Hazard Mapping – Bridge Creek (Area H/District of 100 Mile House)

* Committee Minutes and Recommendations, for formal endorsement

* 103 Mile Water System Service Boundary Expansion Bylaw No. 5313, 2021 (for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings only)

* Red Bluff/Dragon Lake Sewer Management Amendment Bylaw No. 5314, 2021 (for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and Adoption)

* Directors' Requests -- Dir. Bachmeier, Area B (participating on the British Columbia Local Government RCMP Contract Management Committee) and Dir. Delainey, Area E (access up to $600 from the Electoral Area E Director Initiative Fund to take a self-paced anti-racism training called Theory of Enchantment)

* In-Camera Session as per Section 92/90(2b - confidential negotiations between provincial/federal governments' and a 3rd Party) of the Community Charter

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