Saturday, February 27, 2021

Joe Alphonse: Us-vs-Them is holding back the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region

Back on February 18th -- Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb, long an advocate for responsible resource development (and he also sits on the ResourceWorks Advisory Council - a organization that advocates for responsible resource development across Canada), wrote an Op-Ed (Opinion-Editorial) in the Vancouver Province about how red tape is holding back the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region, the Province of BC and Canada respecting Responsible Resource Development, mentioning the hotly-debated Prosperity Mine, about 125 kms southwest of Williams Lake, located within Tsilhqot'in National Government territory and within Cariboo Regional District's Electoral Area "J" - the Area Director is Gerald Kirby.  You can read Mayor Cobb's op-ed here

The topic of Prosperity Mine is currently subject to confidential and BC Government-facilitated conversations between Tsilhqot'in National Government and Taseko Mines

Yesterday -- recently re-elected Chief of Tl'etinqox (Anaham) & Tsilhqot'in National Government Tribal Chair Joe Alphonse wrote a rebuttal op-ed in the Vancouver Province.  In his op-ed, he (Alphonse) said the following:

If Williams Lake wants to attract residents and investment to the area, then we need to have policies and practices that foster innovative actions. These must be inclusive and respect the values of everyone in the region, rather than doubling down on the “us vs. them” politics that are holding this region (Cariboo-Chilcotin) back.

Read Chief Alphonse's op-ed here

As we reflect on the above from Chief Alphonse -- there is truth in what he says as many Indigenous/Non-Indigenous communities across BC and Canada see much more value in cooperation and having inclusive relationships that benefits all sides than that to the contrary..... certainly something I try to practice in my Electoral Area in my relationship with my Indigenous Community neighbours at both Xat'sull (Soda Creek Indian Band) and ?Esdilagh (Alexandria), also a Tsilhqot'in community


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