Monday, March 1, 2021

Steve's Meeting/Expenses Calendar - Feb 2021

In the month of February 2021, I attended the following meetings:

* Feb 1st - NCLGA Executive Committee meeting, via Zoom
* Feb 2nd - UBCM Area Directors' Forum, via Zoom 
* Feb 3rd - Finish UBCM Area Directors' Forum and start 2021 Local Gov't Leadership Academy's Annual Leadership Forum, via online platform

* Feb 4th - Day #2 of 2021 Local Gov't Leadership Academy's Annual Leadership Forum, via online platform

* Feb 11th -- Meetings of the Regional Hospital District and Regional District Boards'

* Feb 16th - NCLGA Executive Committee meeting, via Zoom
* Feb 17th -- Cariboo RD Area "D" Virtual Town Hall Meeting, via Zoom

* Feb 23rd -- Area "D" Advisory Planning Commission meeting, via teleconference
* Feb 24th -- Meetings of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus and Joint Committee, via Microsoft Teams

* Feb 25th -- Half day session of the Gibraltar Mines Technical Advisory Committee
* Feb 26th -- Participated in an online session with the Connectivity lead at the CRD, Director LeBourdais with Ministry of Citizen Services' staff regarding an intiative at the Peace River Regional District

As well -- responded to inquiries from CRD Area "D" residents' via phone call, email, text or social media

As to expenses submitted in the month of Feb 2021 -- those were:

* Feb 2-4: $349 to electronically attend the 2021 UBCM Area Directors' Forum & 2021 Local Gov't Leadership Academy's Annual Leadership Forum.

* Feb 11th - $206 for Regional Hospital District and Regional District Boards' Meetings'

* Feb 24th -- $133 for meetings of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus and Joint Committee


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