Wednesday, April 14, 2021

April 14th, 2021 BC #COVID-19 Numbers Update

Joint Statement from BC's Provincial Health Officer/Minister of Health (Dr. Bonnie Henry/Hon. Adrian Dix):

“Today, we are reporting 1,168 new cases, for a total of 114,870 cases in British Columbia.

“There are 9,821 active cases of COVID-19 in the province, with 16,304 people under public health monitoring as a result of identified exposure to known cases. A further 103,360 people who tested positive have recovered.

“Of the active cases, 397 individuals are currently hospitalized with COVID-19, 120 of whom are in intensive care. The remaining people with COVID-19 are recovering at home in self-isolation.

“Since we last reported, we have had 341 new cases of COVID-19 in the Vancouver Coastal Health region, 632 new cases in the Fraser Health region, 64 in the Island Health region, 105 in the Interior Health region, 26 in the Northern Health region and no new cases of people who reside outside of Canada.

“There have been six new COVID-19 related deaths, for a total of 1,521 deaths in British Columbia.

“1,190,832 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca-SII COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in B.C., 87,820 of which are second doses.

“We strongly encourage everyone who is now eligible for a vaccine to arrange for your appointment today. This not only protects you, but also provides greater protection to everyone around you.

“Everyone 55 and older is eligible for a vaccine today. The Astra Zeneca vaccine is available for anyone 55 and over through your local pharmacy. People 64 and older and Indigenous peoples 18 and over, as well as individuals who have received a ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ letter, are being invited to book through the Get Vaccinated program. 

“We are pleased to see today’s Health Canada assessment and decision on the AstraZeneca vaccine. We’ve been following this closely, and we await the recommendations from the National Advisory Council on Immunization to determine how to best use this vaccine going forward to further enhance our protection.

“Always using our layers of protection, combined with getting one of the safe and highly effective vaccines as soon as you are eligible, is the best way to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. Let’s continue to do our part so we can all put COVID-19 behind us.”

Learn More:

SPEAK Survey - to share your perspectives and feedback on the SPEAK survey, visit:

For the April 8, 2021, PowerPoint presentation on variants, visit:

For provincial health officer's orders and guidance, visit:


Guidance on restrictions:

Latest vaccine information:

For vaccine information, visit the BC Centre for Disease Control dashboard:

The latest updates, guidance and information on COVID-19, and where to get tested:

The latest medical updates, including case counts, prevention, risks and to find a testing centre near you:
Or follow @CDCofBC on Twitter.

For data regarding ongoing outbreaks in long-term care, assisted-living and independent-living facilities in B.C., visit:

Mental health support:

Mental health and anxiety support: 

Non-health related information:

Financial, child care and education support, travel, transportation and essential service information:
Or call 1 888 COVID19 (1 888 268-4319) between 7:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. (Pacific time), seven days a week.

COVID-19 exposure events, updates and information by health authority:

BCCDC (flights, work sites, etc):
Fraser Health:
Interior Health:
Island Health:
Northern Health:
Vancouver Coastal Health:

For the latest videos and livestreaming of COVID-19 media availabilities, visit:

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