Thursday, April 15, 2021

Nominations for City of WL Accessibility Award of Merit

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake believes that public awareness about physical and attitudinal barriers will help improve the quality of life for all disabled persons, giving them the opportunity to meaningfully participate in all aspects of community life. The mission of the City of Williams Lake Accessibility Advisory Committee is to address and remove the barriers that impede the full participation of persons with disabilities in our community.


The Williams Lake Accessibility Advisory Committee invites nominations of groups, individuals or businesses that have made a significant contribution to improving accessibility in Williams Lake.


Award Nomination Guidelines:

  • The nominee has demonstrated a commitment to increase accessibility above and beyond what is required by law or regulation.
  • The nominee has improved accessibility for persons with one or more of the following types of disability: mobility, agility, hearing, seeing, speaking, social and mental.
  • The business or group being nominated must be located within the boundaries of the City of Williams Lake and provide a service for the people of Williams Lake and others.
  • Businesses or groups may be nominated by any citizen or group, who should provide strong evidence in support of their nominee’s commitment and contribution to improving accessibility.
  • Any citizen or group wishing to re-submit or re-nominate an individual, group or business who was, or was not, selected for an Award in a previous year may do so by completing a new nomination form and providing up-to-date information in support of that nomination.

Access Awareness Award Criteria:

An award will be considered for achievements in the following areas:

  1. Employing people with disabilities whenever possible.
  2. Providing adequate handicapped parking spaces close to the main entrance to a business.
  3. Providing automatic door openers on heavy entrance doors and washrooms. Providing good lighting at any steps or entranceways. Painting yellow or white strips marking the edge of any steps or lips in the flooring.
  4. Providing appropriate ramps for wheelchair and stroller users for any indoor or outdoor areas. Wheelchair accessible doors must be a minimum of 36 inches wide.
  5. Providing a wheelchair-accessible washroom with easily opened doors.
  6. Providing Braille lettering on any signs for customers to read.
  7. Providing sufficient handrails beside steps in the interior and exterior of the building.
  8. Providing wheelchair-height counters at checkouts and reception desks. Provide extra width between aisles and at the ends of aisles to allow for easier turning.
  9. Providing a rest area with two armchairs or a bench with arms at each end.
  10. Providing snow and ice clearing in front of business.


Nomination forms can be found online or


For hard-copy submissions, the attached nomination form can be completed and forwarded to the Selection Committee by:

  • Email:
  • Fax: 250.392.4408
  • Mail: 
    • Williams Lake Accessibility Advisory Committee c/o City of Williams Lake Attn: Ross CoupĂ©, Corporate Officer
    • 450 Mart Street - Williams Lake, BC V2G 1N3


Application Deadline: September 30th, 2021.

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