Wednesday, July 7, 2021

British Columbians asked for views on BC Budget 2022

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

Editor's Note -- the BC Legislature's Select Standing Committee on Finance/Government Services is undertaking public consultation on this subject.  Details on the Consultation Paper in relation to BC's 2022 Budget and the process of providing your views to the Committee can be viewed here.  The deadline to apply to present to the Committee is Friday, July 16th, 2021 at 5pm

British Columbians are encouraged to share what is important to people, businesses and communities in B.C.’s Budget 2022, as the province moves further into economic recovery and looks toward a pandemic-free future.

“After a difficult year, we look ahead with hope and begin to carefully and safely return to a life more like we knew before COVID-19,” said the Hon. Selina Robinson, BC's Minister of Finance. “We’re looking to a future that leaves no one behind. These consultations are one of the ways we are connecting with people in the coming months to ensure the needs and priorities of British Columbians are reflected in government’s focus as we move forward.” 

The Province is working to ensure B.C.’s economic recovery and post-pandemic future hold a place for everyone. Budget 2021 laid out government’s actions to continue to support people through the pandemic and help lay the foundation for a strong recovery. Budget 2022 stays focused on people, businesses and communities – continuing to make people’s lives better and positioning B.C. for success.

Each year, the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services, a parliamentary committee of the legislative assembly, holds provincewide consultations to seek the views of British Columbians on priorities for the next provincial budget and presents a final report with recommendations to the legislative assembly.

People can share their views by completing the survey, sending in written comments or presenting to the committee. Presentations will take place in late August through September and are expected to be a mix of in-person and virtual meetings. Organizations and individuals interested in presenting must complete a request form by July 16, 2021.

The Budget 2022 consultation, including the online survey, is now open. The deadline to receive all submissions is Sept. 30, 2021, at 5 p.m. (Pacific time). Public input will be included in the committee’s report to the legislative assembly, expected to be released by Nov. 15, 2021.

Government is also developing a plan to consult with British Columbians on B.C.’s long-term economic plan, which will be released in fall 2021. The plan will lay out the Province’s vision for B.C. and will reflect British Columbians’ values and priorities, build on B.C.’s strengths and competitive advantages, and guide government investment for the next 10 to 15 years. Details on the economic plan consultation will be released soon.

Learn More:

Get started by reading the 2022 Budget consultation paper:  

For information on how to participate in the consultation process, including the online survey, visit:
Or email:
Or contact the parliamentary committee’s office at 250 356-2933 or 1 877 428-8337 (toll-free in B.C.).

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