Tuesday, July 6, 2021

WL City Council Highlights - July 6th mtg


Mayor W. Cobb and Councillors Boehm, Bonnell, Brenner, Nelson, Ryll, Smith

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Mayor Cobb recognized that the meeting was taking place on traditional Northern Secwepemc (Shuswap) territory

Meeting Agenda, with 1 Late Item, was approved by Council
Minutes of the Council meetings held June 22nd (Special Closed Council and Regular Open Council) were received/adopted


1) Kukpi7 (Chief) Fred Robbins, Esk'etemc First Nation, appeared before Council to discuss Upcoming 'Spirit Walk' - July 30 to August 1, 2021

A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb thanked Kukpi7 (Chief) Robbins for his time/information

RESOLVED -- That Council endorse the "Spirit Walk" of July 30th - August 1st, 2021 and Council direct the Finance Committee to review financial support for First Nations events in future budget years

2) Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Doerkson appeared before Council to provide an update

A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb thanked MLA Doerkson for his time/information


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated June 24, 25 and 30, 2021

2) Council approved entering into an encroachment agreement with T.R. Underwood Engineering Ltd. for a twenty year term for a portion of the existing building encroaching into the City boulevard on Borland Street, for the property located at 452 Borland Street, legally described as Lot 1, Block 21, District Lot 71, Cariboo District, Plan 2432, Except Parcel A (Plan B7003) for a one-time contribution of $1,000, with all costs associated with registration being the responsibility of the property owner and that the Mayor/Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City of Williams Lake

3) After receiving no public input -- Council approved Development Permit No. 01-2021 for T.R. Underwood Engineering Ltd. for construction of an addition to the east of the existing building, and to vary the “minimum driveway width” to the east of the property from 6m to 4m and the “width of the pedestrian aisle” for accessible parking from 1.2m to 0.9m, on Lot 1, Block 21, District lot 71, Cariboo District, Plan 2432, Except Parcel A (Plan B703), located at 452 Borland Street

4) After receiving no public input -- Council approved Development Variance Permit No. 03-2021 for the Williams Lake Fire Department (City of Williams Lake) to vary Sections 322.3 and 322.2 in the Civic, Assembly and Institutional (P-1) zone of Williams Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 1825, 2002 to reduce the minimum front setback from 7.6 m to 5 m and increase the maximum height from 4 m to 4.5m for the proposed accessory structure only, being a display structure to house the WLFD’s antique fire truck, on Lot 1, District Lot 71, Cariboo District, Plan BCP39163, located at 230 Hodgson Road

5) After receiving no public input -- Council approved Development Permit No. 04-2021 for 0728823 B.C. Ltd. for construction of an addition to the rear of the existing building and to vary the off-street parking requirement from seven parking spaces and one accessible parking space to three parking spaces on Parcel A (Plan B7109) of Lot 11, Block 17, District Lot 71, Cariboo District, Plan 1553, located at 249 Barnard Street, and issuance of DP No. 04-2021 be held subject to the applicant entering into an agreement for use of a portion of the adjacent City-owned property where the existing parking lot is located (i.e. encroachment agreement, lease agreement or property purchase)

6) Council endorsed a recommendation of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee, as follows:

That pursuant to Central Cariboo Joint Committee Report #02-2021 and the report of Ian James, Director of Community Services, City of Williams Lake dated May 6, 2021, the updated Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex Fall/Winter Ice Allocation Policy be approved.


i) That City Staff have initial conversations with KIJHL about establishing a Hockey Team in Williams Lake 

ii) City Staff be directed to open the Gibraltar Room at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex so the public can come and watch the remaining Stanley Cup Final series (Montreal vs Tampa Bay) 

7)  Council received the letter from the Downtown Williams Lake Business Improvement Association dated June 24, 2021 be received and approval was given for the outdoor Art Walk 2021 Grand Opening event to be held in the DWLBIA parking lot on Saturday, August 14, 2021, subject to their meeting all municipal bylaws and obtaining approval from the Public Health Office and the community be encouraged to attend.

8) Council received the minutes of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting held June 23rd, 2021

9) Late Item -- Council endorsed an application by the City of Williams Lake on behalf of the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) to SPARC BC’s AccessAbility Grant program, funded through the federal Accessible Canada Social Development Partnership Program and the Provincial Accessibility Secretariat, for $500 toward an Access Awareness Day event to be held Fall 2021 to increase awareness of accessibility in our community and provide information and resources to residents

10) Council received the Council Information Package as follows:

         June 10, 2021 - Minister of Housing Response to Mayor's Correspondence Concerning Use of Provincial Paramountcy re Temporary Shelter in Penticton;

         June 11, 2021 - Township of Spallumcheen re BC Hydro Residential Rate Review;

         June 18, 2021 - City of Colwood re Support for 9-8-8 National Suicide and Crisis Prevention Hotline;

         June 23, 2021 - Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society re Performances in the Park 'Listen Live' Concert Series;

         June 23, 2021 - CN News Release re CN to Invest $460 Million in BC to Ensure the Fluidity and Safety of its Network While Minimizing Greenhouse Gas Emissions;

         June 23, 2021 - Geoscience BC re Central Interior Copper-Gold Research Series;

         June 25, 2021 - BC Honours and Awards Secretariat re 2021 Medal of Good Citizenship Nomination Information;

         June 29, 2021 - BC Wildfire Service Information Bulletin re Campfires Prohibited in British Columbia effective June 30th; and

         June 29, 2021 - BCLC re Reopening of Casinos and Community Gaming Centres in BC as Part of Step 3 of BC's Restart Plan

Members of Council provided verbal reports on their recent activities


a) That a letter be forwarded to MOTI requesting a Speed Review for the Toop Rd intersection

b) That the Agenda Item "COVID-19 Community Update" be renamed "Wildfire Community Update" for the immediate future 

The CFO provided an verbal report of the activities of City Staff

Council adjourned at 7:20pm

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