Friday, December 3, 2021

Local Gov't Mtgs - Week of December 6-10, 2021

Next week (Dec 6-10, 2021) -- the following local governments or Boards of Education of the Cariboo-Chilcotin will meet, as follows:

Quesnel - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 7th at 6pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (4th Floor, 410 Kinchant St).  Meeting to be recorded and uploaded to YouTube for future viewing - click here

On the Agenda:

* Retirement Presentation - Melinda Moorehouse
* Committee Reports for consideration of endorsement

* Quesnel/District Visitor Information Centre Management Agreement Renewal
* Snow Contractors Liability Insurance 
* Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Lease at 410 Kinchant Street 
* Northern Development Initiative Trust ("NDIT") Grant Applications 
* Central Mountain Air Request for Extension of Fee Waiver at the Quesnel Regional Airport 
* Bylaws for 2nd Reading or Adoption

View the full Agenda here

School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) -- Transportation, Facilities and Finance Committee.  Meeting on Tuesday, December 7th at 4pm, via electronic means (for full details, click here).  

On the Agenda:

* Updates on COVID-19, Emergency Preparedness Planning
* IT 4K 12 Update
* Board Committee Appointments
* Future Committee meeting dates

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 7th, 2021 at 6pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St). Meeting to be livestreamed via YouTube (click here).  On the Agenda:

Council Attendance at BC Natural Resources Forum - January 18-20, 2022
COVID-19 Safe Restart Funding: Reallocations
Annual Resolutions (Wrestling Day, Committee Appointments, Meeting Schedule for 2022, Acting Mayors in 2022

* Notice of Motion from Councillor Nelson re: Meeting with School District No. 27 and Williams Lake First Nation on the former Poplar Glade Elementary school site

Development Permit Application - DP #06-2021 -Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd. / CBRE Ltd. (Ministry of Citizens' Services)

Poll of Council - Cold Weather Response Working Group Temporary Warming Shelter Plan
Letter of Support for City of Kamloops re RCMP Contract Policing Municipal Cost Increases
* In-Camera meeting to follow Open City Council meeting -- Section 90(1k - negotiations of the Community Charter).  

View the full Agenda here


Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District - Regular Board of Directors' meeting on Friday, December 10th at 9:30am in the Cariboo RD Williams Lake Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake). Meeting to be audio livestreamed - for access, click here and look for "View Livestream"

On the Agenda:

* Delegation: First Nation Health Authority
* CCRHD Board Procedure Bylaw - 3 Readings and Adoption
* Hospital Consent Calendar
Northern Health - Bylaw Request for Core Network Replacement Project
*  Interior Health Capital Projects and Planning Status Report – October 2021
* Northern Health -- Northern Clinical Simulation Centres - Celebrating 10 Yrs of Collaboration and Partnership Renewal

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District - Regular Board of Directors' meeting on Friday, December 10th following  recess of the CCRHD Board Meeting, meeting to be held in the Cariboo RD Williams Lake Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake). Meeting to be audio livestreamed - for access, click here and look for "View Livestream"

On the Agenda:

* Delegation: Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation & Forest Enhancement Society of BC
* Land Use Matters
 Application from Frank and Loretta Dyck to extend 103 Mile water system.
Proposal to Use Rural Feasibility Reserve Funding for Potable Water Study in Tatla Lake
* 2 Community Works Fund application - Energy Efficiency Projects
Agricultural Development Advisory Committee – Membership Appointments
* Consent Calendar
* Committee Reports
* Bylaw to approve 2021 Budget Amendments

View the full Agenda here

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