Monday, December 6, 2021

Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb to establish "Indigenous Relations/Reconciliation Standing Committee"

At their meeting on Tuesday -- Williams Lake City Council will receive a report from the City's Corporate Officer regarding 2022 Internal/Community Committee appointments, as directed by Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb - click here .  

As part of Council's Standing Committees (which are established by the Mayor under Section 141 of the Community Charter), the Indigenous Relations/Reconciliation Standing Committee is proposed to be created to deal with Indigenous Relations/Reconciliation Matters... 

Both the Terms of Reference for the Committee as well as the appointed 3 City Councillors to the Committee have yet to be established but that would likely be the Committee's first task - propose a Terms of Reference for the Committee for the consideration of Williams Lake City Council for approval

This will be the 1st time, that I can remember, that a Williams Lake City Council has had a Standing Committee focused on Indigenous Relations/Reconciliation Matters.  I would reasonably anticipate that Williams Lake City Councillors Jason Ryll and Marnie Brenner will be given strong consideration for appointment to this Committee, given their strong stances on Indigenous Relations between the City and their Indigenous Neighbours but we'll have to wait and see who Mayor Cobb officially appoints to the Committee over the next number of weeks to come... 

Within the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region -- the only 2 Local Governments in the Region that will or has Standing Committees focused on First Nations/Indigenous Matters currently will be the City of Williams Lake and the Cariboo Regional District (First Nations Relationships Committee -- members on this Committee are Committee Chair Angie Delainey and Directors Willow Macdonald, Jim Glassford and Mary Sjostrom)


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