Wednesday, March 16, 2022

BC launches review of COVID-19 Pandemic Response

Courtesy of the Government of BC:


Project team biographies

Biographies of the project team leading the operational review of the B.C. government’s response to COVID-19 follow.

Bob de Faye

Bob de Faye has enjoyed a 32-year career in the British Columbia public service, including nine years as a deputy minister for the following: the former Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation; the former Ministry of Small Business and Revenue; the former Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women’s Services; and the Public Sector Employer’s Council. He was associate deputy minister and chief administrative officer at the Ministry of Health and served for two years as chair of the BC Medical Services Commission.

For the past 10 years, he has been a strategic adviser and executive consultant in public policy analysis and development. He has worked for First Nations, local governments, the resource industry and for the B.C. government on governance and operations reviews.

Daniel Perrin

Daniel (Dan) Perrin is a public policy professional, active in providing public policy advice in British Columbia since 1981 through a wide range of activities. As founding principal of Perrin, Thorau and Associates Ltd., established in 1994, he has undertaken hundreds of assignments for all manner of provincial public-sector entities, ranging from ministries to Crown corporations and authorities, to local governments and First Nations. These assignments relate to issues across the spectrum of provincial and local government responsibility and share a common thread of financial and economic considerations.

During this time, he has facilitated numerous independent, expert reviews charged with addressing, among other things, improvements to the budget process and financial administration for the Province of B.C., real estate regulatory reform, money laundering in real estate, tax competitiveness, replacing the revenues associated with eliminating MSP premiums, reforming disability assistance and the Expert Panel on Basic Income.

Prior to founding Perrin, Thorau and Associates, he held a series of increasingly senior positions in the B.C. public service, including in the Ministry of Finance, the Office of the Premier and the former Ministry of Social Services.

Chris Trumpy

Chris Trumpy retired from the BC Public Service in 2009 after 30 years of service, including time as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance, the former Ministry of Environment, the former Ministry of Provincial Revenue and the former Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management. Since then, he has been involved in several projects, including industrial electricity policy, forest contractor sustainability, public school funding formula review, BC Transit governance and ICBC investment management. He has also served on not-for-profit and for-profit boards since retirement.

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