Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Quesnel Council Highlights - March 15th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Quesnel Ambassador Leadership Program - 2022 New Candidate Presentation

Mayor Simpson introduced the 2022 Candidates while the 2021 Ambassadors, led the pinning ceremony and placed the candidate crowns.

Coordinator - Rose Scott

2021 Ambassadors

  • Jaeana Dumais
  • Jessie Johal
  • Naylene Runge

2022 Candidates & Sponsors

  • Navaeh Kueber - Rocky Peak Outfitters Inc
  • Jada Crossman - Wizards Garage
  • Marley Conlin - West Central Pipe
  • Olivia Trimble - M. Daniels Consulting
  • Daria Brownmiller - Rotary Club of Quesnel

Finance Update

Surplus/Deficit 2021 - Council allocated the 2021 surplus to the Capital Reinvestment Fund and the Tax and Community Stabilization Reserve and, carried forward derelict property and capital planning operating funds to 2022.

2022 Operating Budget - With some carefully considered changes to the 2022 operating budget, including reducing transit taxation, snow reserve and Council travel, Council allocated over $200,000 to account for the rapidly increasing fuel costs and above-normal inflation.

Development Services Update

OCP and Zoning Amendments for 668 Doherty Drive to allow the conversion of a two-level commercial complex to a three-level apartment.  Council will require the proponent to hold public information sessions prior to the May 3rd Public Hearing, advertised to businesses, land owners and residents within 100m of the subject property.

Through a request from the Quesnel Downtown Association and, a recommendation from the Poliy and Bylaw Committee, Council gave the first three readings to the Comprehensive Street, Traffic and Parking Amendment Bylaw, which will add a requirement for downtown owners/occupiers to sweep and remove debris from their sidewalks.

150 Time Immemorial Grant

The Provincial government launched a new grant program through Heritage BC.  Council accepted $49,000 through the Cultural Heritage Awareness stream toward the Riverfront Trail Interpretive Signage project.

Bus Shelter Grant

Council approved an agreement with BC Transit, to install a new bus shelter at Lust Road and Bass Road, westbound.  


Council approved the following letter of support:

New Pathways to Gold Society - request for a letter of support to the Provincial government, for on-going core funding.


  • Bylaws 1912 and 1913 - City of Quesnel Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1912 of 2021 and City of Quesnel Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1913 of 2021 (668 Doherty Drive) - Second Reading and 

Set Public Hearing date for:

May 3, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, City Hall, 410 Kinchant Street

  • Bylaw 1920 - City of Quesnel Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1920 of 2022 - Final Adoption
  • Bylaw 1921 - City of Quesnel Housing Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 1921 of 2022 - First, Second and Third Readings
  • Bylaw 1923 - City of Quesnel Comprehensive Street, Traffic and Parking Amendment Bylaw No. 1923 of 2022 - First, Second and Third Readings

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