Monday, April 25, 2022

2022 National Volunteer Week

From April 24-30, 2022 -- it's National Volunteer Week in Canada.  This year's theme is Empathy in Action

The background to this week is here while Volunteer Canada talks more about this week here.  Finally --the Prime Minister of Canada spoke to National Volunteer Week - click here  

Here in the Cariboo-Chilcotin -- many things occur throughout the year thanks to volunteers, where community events or during emergencies

In Area "D" of the Cariboo Regional District -- the following community groups and their activities depend entirely on volunteers:

* Wildwood Community/Recreation Association
* Tyee Lake Community Association
* McLeese Recreation Commission
* McLeese Lake Volunteer Fire Department Society

Whether in incorporated/unincorporated communities in the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region -- volunteers and their empathy for where they live is greatly appreciated and honoured as with these cherished volunteers, our rural communities would not be the vibrant places they are (and mentioned as much yesterday via my social media channels)...


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